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Nylon or Wood


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It's a personal choice whether to use a wood tip or a nylon tip. When you ask "what type of stick is better", it depends on what you're looking for.


Nylon and wood will sound about the same when striking a drumhead, but different when striking a cymbal. You'll get a brighter strike or "ching" when playing a swing ostinato on a ride cymbal for example.


The common complaint or concern with the nylon tip is (and this just happened to me yesterday) that the tip slips or breaks off while drumming. When this happens, you can put some serious dents or holes in your drumheads if you're not paying attention. I have aquarian heads so I usually pay attention to ensure the nylon tips stay on.


My personal pet peeve with the wood tips is after a few days of drumming and striking my cymbals & hihats, the sides of the wood tip start to splinter and break off. With sharp edges on these wood tips, you can dent the heads too.


I do prefer the "Hot Sticks". They last a lot longer than wood tips and the nylon tips stay on for quite a while.


But, as I first stated, it's a personal choice as to which is better.

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I have some of both. I prefer the nylon tip. Mainly because of the brighter sound on the ride and maybe even the hats. The wood tip kinda sounds dull to me after using nylon. I haven't had any trouble with nylon tips breaking, but I have had wood tips splinter. I plan on getting some ahead sticks which have replaceable nylon tips I believe. Right now I can make a wood stick last for months without it ever breaking, so I hope I can make an ahead last for ever.



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Originally posted by EdDrums

sorry what i meant to ask was what are some good qualitles of each thanks



Goes back to what cracked said here too.....you will hafta experiment. Obviously there are quality makers that are better than others....vic furth, pro mark, regal, on and on....but there are also different woods and composites, lenghts, weights etc.


talk to your drum guy at the music store, tell him what type of music you play, and he should be able to get you on the right track...then experiment til ya find one you like.

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They sound different. That is it. Any stick (well maybe not Aheads) can break. Like drumheads, you should replace them when they get worn. I usually like the warmth of a wood tip, but I keep a pair of nylon tips in the stick bag. Just another tool in the toolbox.

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Do you like fried chicken or ribs? Coke or Pepsi? Same thing. Personal preference.


Like the others have said, they sound a little different, most notably on cymbals.


MY preferences are as follows: Ribs, diet Pepsi, and wood tips.


Nylon tips cost more, and I'm not convinced that the difference in sound is THAT noticeable from the audience's perspective. With wood, I don't have to worry about the tips flying off, and save a couple of bucks. I WILL play nylon sticks if I'm recording something and know that I'll have a mic right on my hi-hats or ride, but for typical club situations, I go with wood.

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Originally posted by Drooling Dog

In general, I'm not a big fan of nylon tips. Too bright for my taste. Sounds like you're shooting your ride cymbal with a beebee gun.



That's a great idea! Now I have to find my beebee gun.

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yeah............... as far as answerering your question?........I'ts really a personal preference. i have to concour with the other posts on here.both nylon and woodtip have they're pluses and minuses.I personally prefer woodtip........... but that maybe be not thte same for another drummer but depending on thte song. I'll use hotstix,brushes and mallots as well.

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Drummers can be so weird when it comes to little things like that. I use only wood tip sticks, not because of sound reasons, but because i just think that having a little piece of plastic on the end makes it seem "cheap". I know that's not the case, but I just have something against nylon tips. I'm also afraid that they're going to break because I do alot of playing on the ride.


But then again, I break wood tips all the time. :(

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