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dDrum Triggers


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I have used all 3 ..


The Rolands suck when used with mesh heads ... They say in the ads that they work with all types of heads but that is hogwash.


The Pintechs work good ... but they tend to double trigger. You can get rid of a lot of the false triggering but not all. They sell trigger traps for like 8 bucks a piece. It gets rid of that issue pretty well.


But if you buy the Pintechs and the traps essentially what you did was manufacture a Ddrum trigger.


I am now using the Ddrum Redshots and they are the best so far. They trigger true and accuratly and they pick up a tiny ghost tap up to a full on hit perfectly.


As far as spending the ducketts on the better Ddrum triggers with the XLR plugs. That is a gimmick IMO. Firstly in all honesty all triggers are the same thing. They are an electronic piezo type buzzer/transducer. This item costs like a buck at Radio Shack. The heart of any trigger no matter how cheap or expensive starts with a form of this 1 dollar item. (that you can make if you are a DIY'er) The only real difference (speaking only of the Ddrum triggers) is that the better model attaches to the drum without using a tension rod and uses the XLR cannon type plug instead of 1/4" Phone type. Neither of these items is going to affect performance enough to warrant spending 250 some odd dollars to get the better triggers. Now if you have that coin just burning a hole in ya pocket go for it. I am sure though youll be happy with the Red Shots.


HOWEVER if you are on the road a lot then I can see wanting the good ones because the electronics are protected better.


Hope that helps you out !!

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Yea I live in an apartment so I have to use mesh heads :( I am using the ones that Tama makes. They are very thin but they still work fine. I only have slight issues with the snare. I am not sure why but every other drum including bass and floor toms work fine. I am going to try looking into a thicker head like I heard that Hart makes thicker ones made to be torqued tighter etc. My only suggestion would be to pick somthing similar and you should be happy. I have their prodigy drumset and the heads on those are very very thick and tuff. I am guessing the heads they make for Adrums are made of the same stuff. They are 2 ply if you look close you can see the 2 plys of mesh screen on them.




My set is a work in progress I was tinkering with it today trying to get that perfect triggering on my snare (I don't think perfect will ever be achieved with present day technology) But I am trying to get close as possible ..


Here is what I found...


All of these store purchased triggers are made for Acoustic heads so triggering them with mesh heads is not what they were technically prescribed to do..


How to get around this?


Use a real head ! .. ok too loud .. so what I did was next best thing .. I cut a small circle out of a real snare head. Then I used clear RTV to bond it to the mesh head directly under where the trigger makes contact with the head .. Now a real head (mylar) is making contact with the trigger more closely simulating what the trigger was actually made to do .. give it a try I think youll like what you find !!

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