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Insane drumming:


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hehe... other than speed, implosive's drummer doesnt have much... tim yeungg is {censored}in amazing! soo technical and fast! just has to lay off the china a bit, or get a bigger/deeper one!



but youve heard all that before (yesterday.. lol...):thu:

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Yeah... I'm almost 30, I got a day job programming computers, a wife, a kid, I own a house, I got a dog, a cat, two cars in the garage. I'm a pretty happy guy. Maybe this stuff just isn't for me? Like, I'm not the target audience? :) Seems like you have to be pretty pissed off :mad: to like this stuff. Is that right?


Musically, I really get off on subtlety and nuance... so...I'm not saying it's bad... just not my cup of tea. :thu:


As far as the drummings go (which was what you really wanted to talk about, yes?), I'm impressed from a technical perspective. I certainly can't play my feet OR my hands that fast. Honestly, I'm awed by those kind of chops. I want to sit down with the guy and talk excercises and technique.


Musically, the drumming feels to me like a bit of a one-trick-pony. It all sounds very similar to me. I'm hearing track after track of insanely fast double bass beats. Am I missing something? Tell me what it is, and I'll take another listen.


I don't care for it. I'm REALLY not saying it's objectively BAD. Just... not my thing.


Matt, you've said these guys blow you away. What is it that you like about these drummers MORE than other drummers in the same genre? That might help me get a little perspective.




PS. AND GET OFF MY LAWN! Lousy... whipper-snappers... :D

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he's all about the speed... he's a guitarist, so he doesnt have the same appreciation that a drummer would have for overall technique and feel in drums... its ok... it mainly the insanely fastness and the technicality that gets him, not the groove or soul of drums...

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you definitely dont have to be pissed off to listen to the music :) I will say though that it is a male dominated genre :), Ive met guys who are married with kids and still listen to this kind of music, some look like Hells Angels or part of a biker gang but you talk to these people and they are not aggressive or pissed off haha, they have kids too and have normal jobs and such, looks can be deceptive!


I am impressed by Tim Yeung (the live drummer for Vital Remains):) not just from his work with that current band but from his work with other bands too, he actually has studied other genres before and got the qualifications too so he's most definitely not a one trick pony


Its just a case of play what the music calls for, you can argue that the music doesnt need all the double bass and chops but thats part of death metal. Its like how you wont ever hear blazing chops in a pop song, because the trends in that genre dont call for it

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I seriously fail to understand how some consider this "music". It's my least favourite genre of all music but that doesn't give me a right to bash it. Enjoy what you will and I'll go over here. :thu:


But before I go...



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Omg! I didn't think these guys were still around! I remember them about 10 years ago in a rehersal space in Attleboro, MA. called the Foster building. My old band had a room next door to them. and god were they loud!! whenever they would practice, we couldn't because we couldn't here ourselves!! Kick ass band! I've seen them a bunch of times. good group of guys.

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You can find the lyrics in google. they're on most of the popular lyric websites


Matt, you've said these guys blow you away. What is it that you like about these drummers MORE than other drummers in the same genre? That might help me get a little perspective.

For the Vital Remains drummer, its because he's stupidly fast and I think he's a lot more creative than most of the other death metal drummers. He's very good at establishing a feel- like around 1:26 on Dechristianize, theres a certain riff. and at around 1:31, there's the same riff, but with a different drum pattern which kind of slows the whole thing down without changing tempo. Drags it out sort of, which makes it cool :D


For Implosive Disgorgence, well, GOD DAMN where else do you hear snare rolls like that in metal? It's also a pretty good example of having tremendous speed, and knowing when to use that speed and when to use a slower drum pattern for great effectiveness.


Seriously, these guys are playing notes faster with their feet than I can on my guitar ( unless I'm tapping or sweeping or something like that ). That's INSANE speed.

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Originally posted by ArtVandelay

Can anyone tell me what the "singer" in Vital Remains is saying?



satanic, death and gore obsessed subliminal messages (well... you cant really consciously understand what's said!)! in example:



Vital Remains


Trembling to its fall

Putting and end to it all

By storm, by force

With might... without remorse

We are here to conquer this world


Like cancer... our hate consumes the light of elysium

Unstoppable force of demonic supremacy

All destroying...all devouring

Heaven now ravaged... scarred and empty


Strike the death knell of the pandemonium

Imbrue one's hands in the blood of christ

Washing away all filth of righteousness

The dimming of the light

Engulfing the trinity


He raped...the culture of mankind

He raped...the pride of the ancient ways

He raped...all thought of freewill

I who will watch you fall into obscurity


Washing away all filth of righteousness

The dimming of the light

Engulfing the {censored}ing trinity


I spit upon your deity

Supposed creator of all things

Idol of irreverence you worship above

Show your true face... the image of prevarication


Unhallowed be our twilight

Thy grace untriumphant

Mourn the crowning of unconquerable profanation

Hell's grim tyrant...the eldest of night and chaos

Breathe once again...far from the shadow of god

This day of reckoning will be unavenged

Glory of wrathful inignation

I deny god and all religion

Turn up the whites of their eyes... Dechristianize

Our poisonous truths

Divinity...drowning in impurity


Sanguilent in your agony


Like cancer... our hate consumes the light of elysium

Unstoppable force of demonic supremacy

All destroying...all devouring

Heaven now ravaged... scarred and empty


Strike the death knell of the pandemonium

Imbrue one's hands in the blood of christ

Washing away all filth of righteousness

The dimming of the light

Engulfing the trinity


He raped...the culture of mankind

He raped...the pride of the ancient ways

He raped...all thought of freewill

I who will watch you fall into obscurity


Washing away all filth of righteousness

The dimming of the light

Engulfing the {censored}ing trinity


Hell's grim tyrant...the eldest of night and chaos

Breathe once again...far from the shadow of god

This day of reckoning will be unavenged

Glory of wrathful inignation

I deny god and all religion

Turn up the whites of their eyes... Dechristianize...



yhea... basically it...

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Nice job, TMetaler!


I'd like to ask a question for the purpose of getting a real answer and I ask out of ignorance and because I'm probably too old but I want to understand.


How come all these speed metal hardcore bands sing in such a way that it's impossible to understand what's being said?

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its more agressive sounding i think is the main reason... think of it as comprable to a really distorted guitar! and lyrics are mostly an afterthought in metal because:


a) they usually are along the same premesise


b) no one really cares


c) the main focus is (suprisingly) on the actual music, rythmn, etc...


but thats at least for real metal, old hardcore, speed/thrash metal, and all death metal... post-hardcore and emo are just {censored}in stupid in my opinion... sry if i offended anyone.... oh wait... just remembered- im not! nevermind then... :thu:

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Its a ton easier to sing like that than it is to actually sing to a pitch and do it cleanly.


In my opinion the best metal vocalist is Devin Townsend. Able to go from soothing, to Metallica-esque yells, to Pantera-esque yells, to full on black metal screaming.


However once you listen to the lyrics for a long time you start to understand them. Just like a very foreign accent. After enough exposure you start to pick up on it.


Another thing to consider. Most metal heads listen to music for a totally different reason than a lot of people ( especially non-musicians ). There's very little connection with the music that a lot of people want, and that vocals with intelligible lyrics give.


One reason why KsE and other screamo bands are popular, because they mix heavy elements with catchy, connective vocals.

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Originally posted by mparsons

One reason why KsE and other screamo bands are popular, because they mix heavy elements with catchy, connective vocals.



ummm... dude... KsE isnt scremo... they are metalcore... like god forbid etc... they are one (and a half in my opinion) step up on the ladder than scremo, but thats just based on overall musicality.. and who's Devin Townsend?

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Yes, he did, now that you mention it.


Definitely my favorite vocalist. Literally EVERY technique and sound you could want. I've never heard him do the death metal growly stuff but I'm sure he could pull it off flawlessy.

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