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At the risk of taking this joke a little too far, here's how Schrodinger's Drummer really breaks down:


We take a drummer, and we put him in a concrete box with a drumset and we ask him to play. We also place in the box a bottle of beer (non-twist off), a very small amount of radioactive material, and a geiger counter. The geiger counter is rigged so that if it detects ANY radiation it will release a trap door behind which the drummer will find a BOTTLE OPENER.


Let us take as a priori, for the sake of this experiment that a drummer with beer in him will drag.


Now, the quantum theory principle of "superposition" states that without directly observing the atoms in the radioactive material, we cannot know whether they have decayed (thereby releasing radiation for the counter to detect) or not and that FURTHERMORE, they are in effect IN BOTH STATES AT ONCE until such time as we make such an observation. They are simultaniously decayed and non-decayed. (Heisenberg plays in, a bit, here, I think , but I'm not sure how. Anyway.) So, without observation, all the atoms in the radioactive matter have decayed --AND-- have not, the drummer has had the beer --AND-- he has not, therefore he is rushing --AND-- he is dragging.


Since the box is COMPLETELY SOUNDPROOF, ;) we are not able observe the drummer's time against our external metronome. The instant we open the box, however, then we collapse the dual-state of the atoms, and there is only one state in the box: Rushing OR dragging.


Other interesting points about this: Notice, there is no state in which the drummer is keeping good time, "Superposition" is all well and good, but some things are too "out-there" to even consider. Also, there is a danger, however slight, that the drummer may have noticed all the quantum physics going on around him and become marginally smarter. If this is the case, the drummer should be immediately and humanely put down. A drummer who knows ANYTHING about quantum physics would be a danger to himself and everyone around him, and would most likely begin to bore his friends and family with long-winded, semi-funny, generally-inaccurate quantum physics jokes.



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Originally posted by WillyRay

At the risk of taking this joke a little too far, here's how
Schrodinger's Drummer
really breaks down:

We take a drummer, and we put him in a concrete box with a drumset and we ask him to play. We also place in the box a bottle of beer (non-twist off), a very small amount of radioactive material, and a geiger counter. The geiger counter is rigged so that if it detects ANY radiation it will release a trap door behind which the drummer will find a BOTTLE OPENER.

Let us take as
a priori
, for the sake of this experiment that a drummer with beer in him will drag.

Now, the quantum theory principle of "superposition" states that without directly observing the atoms in the radioactive material, we cannot know whether they have decayed (thereby releasing radiation for the counter to detect) or not and that FURTHERMORE, they are in effect IN BOTH STATES AT ONCE until such time as we make such an observation. They are simultaniously decayed and non-decayed. (Heisenberg plays in, a bit, here, I think , but I'm not sure how. Anyway.) So, without observation, all the atoms in the radioactive matter have decayed --AND-- have not, the drummer has had the beer --AND-- he has not, therefore he is rushing --AND-- he is dragging.

we are not able observe the drummer's time against our external metronome. The instant we open the box, however, then we collapse the dual-state of the atoms, and there is only one state in the box: Rushing OR dragging.

Other interesting points about this: Notice, there is no state in which the drummer is keeping good time, "Superposition" is all well and good, but some things are too "out-there" to even consider. Also, there is a danger, however slight, that the drummer may have noticed all the quantum physics going on around him and become marginally smarter. If this is the case, the drummer should be immediately and humanely put down. A drummer who knows ANYTHING about quantum physics would be a danger to himself and everyone around him, and would most likely begin to bore his friends and family with long-winded, semi-funny, generally-inaccurate quantum physics jokes.



This is by far the best post i've ever seen on this board. The interesting thing about everything being in every possible state at once (until we try to observe where it is) is that it kinda implies that since we have to observe an object for it's state to be fixed, then the state of everything in the world is ultimitely determined in our own minds (or at least as far as we know, since before we observe it, it is everywhere, after we observe it, it is somewhere...) that is; the world as we know it is merely a product of our mind, we are not independant observers of the world, rather it is effectively 'created' in our mind. This begs the question, can we learn to control this and consciously manipulate the world?


I choose that girl to be naked.... and that girl... ohh that one too

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Originally posted by WillyRay

At the risk of taking this joke a little too far, here's how
Schrodinger's Drummer
really breaks down:

We take a drummer, and we put him in a concrete box with a drumset and we ask him to play. We also place in the box a bottle of beer (non-twist off), a very small amount of radioactive material, and a geiger counter. The geiger counter is rigged so that if it detects ANY radiation it will release a trap door behind which the drummer will find a BOTTLE OPENER.

Let us take as
a priori
, for the sake of this experiment that a drummer with beer in him will drag.

Now, the quantum theory principle of "superposition" states that without directly observing the atoms in the radioactive material, we cannot know whether they have decayed (thereby releasing radiation for the counter to detect) or not and that FURTHERMORE, they are in effect IN BOTH STATES AT ONCE until such time as we make such an observation. They are simultaniously decayed and non-decayed. (Heisenberg plays in, a bit, here, I think , but I'm not sure how. Anyway.) So, without observation, all the atoms in the radioactive matter have decayed --AND-- have not, the drummer has had the beer --AND-- he has not, therefore he is rushing --AND-- he is dragging.

we are not able observe the drummer's time against our external metronome. The instant we open the box, however, then we collapse the dual-state of the atoms, and there is only one state in the box: Rushing OR dragging.

Other interesting points about this: Notice, there is no state in which the drummer is keeping good time, "Superposition" is all well and good, but some things are too "out-there" to even consider. Also, there is a danger, however slight, that the drummer may have noticed all the quantum physics going on around him and become marginally smarter. If this is the case, the drummer should be immediately and humanely put down. A drummer who knows ANYTHING about quantum physics would be a danger to himself and everyone around him, and would most likely begin to bore his friends and family with long-winded, semi-funny, generally-inaccurate quantum physics jokes.



Ok, my brain hurts, and that takes some doing. As far as I'm concerned, give Mr. Willyray the MVP of the Week award and go ahead and take a "Mr. Brainiac With Too Much Time on His Hands" award (the coveted Mr.BWTMToHH badge) out of petty cash, and promote yourself to the rank of Leutenant in the Pancake Army with all of the benefits and responsibilities associated with that rank. Congratulations, sir.


Just to let you know, in the anti-matter/pancake experiments that I supervised after the Flamadiddle Flapjack Skirmish of '72, we ran several experiments in this area. What was most suprising to the team (Dr. Sir John Clarity headed the research department at that time) was that after accelerating a drummer in a cement box to the speed of light for one hour, the drummer emerged from the box as an old man, whereas several of the control subjects actually warped the space/time continum and actually revereted to an infant state.


Of course, this is all public record, and I'm sure you're completely aware of our findings. Still, it's refreshing to see a relative newcomer to the field make such significant advancements to this most intriguing of sciences.


Well played, sir, and congratulations.:thu:

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Originally posted by WillyRay

(Heisenberg plays in, a bit, here, I think , but I'm not sure how. Anyway.)

The uncertainty principle does apply, but in a relatively non-impacting way. =Cant measure both speed and location with complete precision.


this was a good one :D too far probably would have been if you did something like went on using Schrodinger's wave function to postulate the extent of rush or drag possible :freak:


then again, if I were stuck in there, I'd probably end up using my teeth to open the bottle and blow the experiment to hell! ;)

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Originally posted by Iburytheliving

How about this instead of a whole enclosure.

What's the best/ cheapest way to make a floor which wont transfer vibration? I figure this is the best way to start....

thanks again...



The problem is that even if you set up some kind of tennis ball mat (as suggested earlier) or if you go out and buy some resiliant floor channels from auralex to make a platform, it won't matter because:


the walls will transmit sound almost as effectively as the floor and


any air spaces (i.e. ductwork) will also transmit sound.


Putting a sound absorbing surface between your kit and a wall or flooron't stop the sound from traveling around that surface and to the walls and the floor-- and then to other people's areas in the triplex.


So unless you are willing to do an entire room as soundproof (i.e., make the entire room inot a booth that c), your efforts will be meidocre at best.


The Alton Everest's "Sound Studio Design on a Budget" has a chapter on sopundproofing a rock studio, with a lot of commentary; it would provide many useful answers to your question

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I told him I would post some pics of how I use them and have em set up for easy setup/take down. I'm not signed up for any photo hosting service and figured others might be curious as well, so here it is.


mvnkykee, this is one wall. I usually just hang one horizontally as in the pic, but will put another screw in the center so I can hang two veritically for when we really want some added treatment/control.


(no comments on the crappy cracked cymbals! :mad::cry: I blame myself and my old drummer who used them before me.)

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Here's a close-up of the grommets I, uh, "installed" on the Audimutes for ease of hanging. They are 1/2 inch grommets, that can be bought at any hardware store. You can buy an installation kit that comes with 12 grommets and then additional grommets as needed.


As you can see, I just drilled a drywall screw into the stud that runs across the top of the frame. Seems to work just dandy.

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Finally, just for {censored}s, here's a shot of the kit and the Auralex I hung up. The auralex really helped take out a lot of harshness in the room. As I set up more places to hang more Audimutes, we'll have a real good handle on the room for everything from practicing to "live" full-band recording and studio recording. As I told mvnkykee, the audimutes seem to do more to deaden the room, while the auralex just softens in a bit and keeps the sound more controlled and even. Together, they work great!

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Originally posted by the DW

Nice setup you got there!



Thanks dude! I still have a whole pile of old records I'm waiting to hang up between the Auralex stuff - Beatles, The Who, Kansas, Santana, Framptom, etc. Even though my parents listened to {censored} like Julio Iglesias, we somehow have a lot of classic {censored} on vinyl. I think it'll really look bitchin when it's all wrapped up.

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Thank you much for the pics and the help. I think I'll be ordering some Audiomutes and doing the grommet thing to make it easier to install and uninstall. I'm sure everyone else that reads this will appreciate your time.



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Originally posted by mvnkykee


Thank you much for the pics and the help. I think I'll be ordering some Audiomutes and doing the grommet thing to make it easier to install and uninstall. I'm sure everyone else that reads this will appreciate your time.



No problem. :thu:

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Originally posted by BBDrums

Ulank is that a peice missing from your Z?


Um. Yeah. I was hungry. :o


"No Animal, I said BEAT drums, not EAT drums."


It started cracking long ago and a chunk keeps falling off every month or so. When there's no loose hunk hanging there, it doesn't sound horrible, but when it start splitting again then it's got a nasty vibration to it.


I've been spending all my cash on recording equipment so the cymbals are on the back burner until I have everything I need to record drums. :cry:

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Originally posted by WillyRay

At the risk of taking this joke a little too far, here's how
Schrodinger's Drummer
really breaks down:

We take a drummer, and we put him in a concrete box with a drumset and we ask him to play. We also place in the box a bottle of beer (non-twist off), a very small amount of radioactive material, and a geiger counter. The geiger counter is rigged so that if it detects ANY radiation it will release a trap door behind which the drummer will find a BOTTLE OPENER.

Let us take as
a priori
, for the sake of this experiment that a drummer with beer in him will drag.

Now, the quantum theory principle of "superposition" states that without directly observing the atoms in the radioactive material, we cannot know whether they have decayed (thereby releasing radiation for the counter to detect) or not and that FURTHERMORE, they are in effect IN BOTH STATES AT ONCE until such time as we make such an observation. They are simultaniously decayed and non-decayed. (Heisenberg plays in, a bit, here, I think , but I'm not sure how. Anyway.) So, without observation, all the atoms in the radioactive matter have decayed --AND-- have not, the drummer has had the beer --AND-- he has not, therefore he is rushing --AND-- he is dragging.

we are not able observe the drummer's time against our external metronome. The instant we open the box, however, then we collapse the dual-state of the atoms, and there is only one state in the box: Rushing OR dragging.

Other interesting points about this: Notice, there is no state in which the drummer is keeping good time, "Superposition" is all well and good, but some things are too "out-there" to even consider. Also, there is a danger, however slight, that the drummer may have noticed all the quantum physics going on around him and become marginally smarter. If this is the case, the drummer should be immediately and humanely put down. A drummer who knows ANYTHING about quantum physics would be a danger to himself and everyone around him, and would most likely begin to bore his friends and family with long-winded, semi-funny, generally-inaccurate quantum physics jokes.



So did he get the beer :confused::p

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