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wrist pain


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ok, so my left wrist has been in some pain.

I dont know exactly how long its been hurting, but prolly round a month or two. I've been laying off the drums for a while with the exception of playind tenors on my high school drumline and a weekly gig.

My wrist has just been flamin up it seems. However, my fingers dont get tingly or numb.

Oh, and I do have good technique and grip; to clear that up. However, i do hit my snare pretty hard but lately ive been switchin to middle finger grip as it's looser and less strenuous on my wrist.

Im freakin out! I love playin and I dont wanna do damage so that is why im asking yall.

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ha, no thats my other hand!


i dunno. possibly tenors cuz like said previously, heads are very tight, but i havent been hittin too hard. i have been practicin moeller strock watchin some of derek popes and dom famularos videos....

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i guess, what do u think i should do as far as playing now. when i play it hurts as i progress in practice. I just dont wanna do somethin that could hurt me permanently. my wrists and hands are very important for playin!

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well, for your sake, I hope it isn't anything serious. I'm a flooring contractor....there have been times, when my back, or knees were hurt(not enough for medical attention)....but, due to the fact, that I continuously used both, the healing process, was a long drawn-out one.....mostly noticeable in my back....

when a muscle is hurt/injured, it heals the quickest, when it is NOT used, until completely healed....therefore, if your injury doesn't require medical attention, and you are still using it to play, it may just take a lot of additional time to heal.....have you tried wrapping it, while you are playing?...if not, give it a try, always helped when I injured tendons or ligaments in my knees....just be careful NOT to wrap too tightly....and remove the 'wrap' occasionally.....

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LOL...not a mada'am....but, don't call me sir...you'll give away me age!!! :wave:


and seriously....if it feels as though, it's only getting worse, at least have it checked out .....not a medical professional here, but I have heard of some 'slight' injuries, being compounded, due to neglect!...

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I had the same problem for a while earlier this year, it's much better now, what I did is change to a thicker pair of sticks. And also sometimes use Ahead sticks. The anti-shock thing they have cleared the pain up in seconds while playing. They I slowly worked up to playing with larger wood sticks. (went from a 5B size to a "metal" size). I have almost no problems now, but when I do I just grab the Ahead sticks and everything is fine.

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Do you stretch?


'wrists' can be fairly ambiguous - where exactly? you can do different things to help say the small hand bones as opposed to your forearm.


here's a good anatomy link



timekeeper....I disagree with something healing fastest when left completely alone. when you have an injury to deal with, at a certain point it must be left alone, of course...but rudimentary skeletal muscle exercises (the ones that are so rudimentary you think/feel like they are doing absolutely nothing) and a careful stretching regimen will help you heal way faster and more completely than if totally left alone.

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I had some wrist problems a while ago. I would say stop drumming for a while, but if you don't want to do that, then don't do anything with your left wrist besides drumming. this is what happened with me: i recently started playing drums in a new band which was quite fast, and i started getting pain in my right wrist (in the center) which i thought came from trying to go too fast with bad technique....haha. anyway, i work as a camera operator and later realised that sometimes the angle that i'll hold my camera (8kgs ish) was stretching my wrist in a VERY bad way. i also use my cellphone with my right hand, and my computer mouse, and i sometimes hold my steering wheel in another strange angle. so i started texting with my left hand, held my steering wheel properly, held my camera in a way that wasn't stretching my wrist, and used my mouse with my left hand. but i kept drumming, and in a short while all the pain was gone. so I guess what I'm saying is re-evaulate everything you do with your left hand besides drumming. oh and if you do stretches, don't overdo it!

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i do stretch. I stretch them all the time cuz i feel when theyre tight. however, my left wrist hurts when i stretch it. especially when i stretch it downward towards the underside of my arm. but its pain in the wrist, not in the forearm. when i stretch my wrist back, i can stretch it easier because thats more finger tendons.

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according to that site, i believe the muscle in question is my pronator quadratus. its located right where the pain is so this is good. prolly just need to let it heal. its just so tempting to pick up those sticks and hackin out some rudiments on my pad!

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it appears i overlooked something. when i bend my wrists, my left one has a big pump protruding out. so i asked my friends dad who knows everything basically, and he said it was a gregorian cist on my tendon. so yep. he said i should just ignore it and that theres nothin really to do bout it, cept if i start loosing feeling in my fingers, then i need surgery. but yep. so pray that my cist goes away!

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ya, its a ganglion. its on my tendon too. where all ur tendons for ur fingers kind of come together in ur wrist. so theres no chance in tryin to pop it cuz then itll really screw me up w/ fluid crap in my tendons. yep yep. it sux. kinda cool to show off tho cuz it sticks bout an inch up when i bend my wrist.

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since the tendon is in its own sheath filled with synovial fluid, that shouldnt be a problem.

Generaly speaking the synovial fluid is a lubricant for the tendon to slide in inside the sheath, Ganglions in the wrist area tend to be caused by a leak of the fluid out of the sheath where it gelatanizes in a capsule, and grows. The "removed ones" that come back are normaly asperated by a needle, leaving the leak and capsule intact to refill.

Do to the location (I think I'm hearing) in- between the hook of the hamate and scaphoid (carpal tunnel) you should see a MD to make sure this situation dosen't degrade into a full blown carpal tunnel syndrome.

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