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wood rims?


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So ive never understood the concept of wood rims. Yes, prolly a more woody sound, but id be worried bout beatin em up with rimshots and having to replace them frequently after being shot to splinters. is this the case? wuts the deal w/ wood rims vs steel rims?

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They have a purpose. No you can't bash 'em like steel hoops and if that's how you play, they probably aren't for you.

Yes, you can't beat the cross stick sound of wood to wood. Plus they look KILLER!!

These are shaped maple hoops dyed black.




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We open for a local band around here occasionally and share equipment. Their drummer has this amazing sounding kit, it's a custom one, I can't remember who made it, but it's got wood rims. I don't know if it's the fact that the rims are wood, or if it's the fact that they're so goddamn big, but I'm constantly afraid to play the thing the way I should be playing it. I've got to angle everything differently and change my style because it seems like I'm always going to whack the damn rims.

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I own two Ayotte kits with wood hoops and I love them-best sounding drums I have ever owned. I'd say go ahead and whack to your heart's desire. I have had one of my kits since 2000 and every hoop is in excellent condition. (I know Ayotte used to have a lifetime warranty on the wood hoops, but I'm not sure if that still is true.)


The wood hoops give the drums a bit warmer and a bit drier sound. It definitely sounds different from a drum with steel hoops. I have a couple of wood hoop snare drums and I love them, but I can tell you they don't work for every situation. Sometimes when I'm playing with the swing band I'm in, I'll do a fill on the snare and I'll hit a quick rimshot, and if I'm using the wood hoop snare drum it will not have the same bite as it does with the steel hoops. The cross sticks are awesome though.


Having said all that, I have recorded cds with wood hoop drums and with steel hoop drums and it isn't even close. The wood hoops ALWAYS sound warmer and fatter. For the kind of music I play that is great and exactly what I'm looking for. However, some people like a really aggressive drum sound with a lot of attack. In my opinion the wood hoop drums would not work as well.

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I've had the pleasure of playing on an Akira Jimbo wood hoop Yamaha snare for a session and was impressed with the depth and warmth of the drum. Lot of fun to play, but I agree - DEFINITELY not the sound for everything.


Then again, if I was used to wood hoops, I'd probably say the same thing about steel hoops!

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