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Surgery tomorrow


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Originally posted by 47milesbarbwire

Best of luck!

You can use your down time to practice left hand/ foot techniques.

.....on the drums I mean


Well, that'll be for only a few weeks, I'm tentatively supposed to have the left done on the 28th of December!



At least they're prescribing vicodin. I might not care about playing drums or much of anything else...then again I have a high pain tolerance, so I might try playing drums as soon as I possibly can just to get things moving, which, is what they suggest these days - used to be they'd immobilize for a number of weeks, then use PT to get motion back...

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Very best of luck Kannibul3. Thoughts and prayers are with you for a speedy, painless recovery. Let us know as soon as you can how it went, although I would think it'll be a few days (weeks?) before you can type.


Looking forward to hearing from you when your all healed up and ready to go!


:thu::wave: :wave: :wave::)

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Originally posted by kannibul3

Well, that'll be for only a few weeks, I'm tentatively supposed to have the left done on the 28th of December!

At least they're prescribing vicodin. I might not care about playing drums or much of anything else...then again I have a high pain tolerance, so I might try playing drums as soon as I possibly can just to get things moving, which, is what they suggest these days - used to be they'd immobilize for a number of weeks, then use PT to get motion back...


Best of luck!!! And, even when you're not feeling any of the pain....just be sure not to pick up your sticks too soon, and cause further damage/injury!!:thu:

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Originally posted by aqualung211

Hope ya get a hot nurse.


I had a hernia repaired about a year ago. As the major drugs were hitting me (I was supposedly "conscious", but so out of it that I had no real memory or pain or anything) I could feel the nurses prepping things "down there", including a nice shave. On some deep level, I was like "oh my, oh my, what are they up to", but then I was gone.


Good luck kannibul. Do yourself a favor and be sure to ask the doc SPECIFICALLY what you should be doing rehab-wise (playing, not playing, etc.) and then follow his recommendations to the letter. Don't want any overly-enthusiastic re-injuries happening, and you want to be back asap!

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Originally posted by Old Steve

I had a hernia repaired about a year ago. As the major drugs were hitting me (I was supposedly "conscious", but so out of it that I had no real memory or pain or anything) I could feel the nurses prepping things "down there", including a nice shave. On some deep level, I was like "oh my, oh my, what are they up to", but then I was gone.

Good luck kannibul. Do yourself a favor and be sure to ask the doc SPECIFICALLY what you should be doing rehab-wise (playing, not playing, etc.) and then follow his recommendations to the letter. Don't want any overly-enthusiastic re-injuries happening, and you want to be back asap!


If i had beautiful women shaving my naughty bits and pieces, i'd have accidentally poked em' in the eye..if ya catch my drift.groucho-marx.gif

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Originally posted by aqualung211

Hope ya get a hot nurse.


Funny...EVERY time I've gone to the hospital (even with my wife around), I've ALWAYS thought, "I wonder if I'll get a hot nurse".


It's NEVER happened.




Hot nurses only exist on TV and in the movies.




On another note, here's hoping everything goes smoothly for you, Kannibul.

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Originally posted by ArtVandelay

Funny...EVERY time I've gone to the hospital (even with my wife around), I've ALWAYS thought, "I wonder if I'll get a hot nurse".

It's NEVER happened.


Hot nurses only exist on TV and in the movies.

On another note, here's hoping everything goes smoothly for you, Kannibul.



Yeah, I usually end up with a male nurse that resembles Robin Williams, except, isn't funny.


Now, once you get into the OR, then you might see a piece of eye-candy, but I'm pretty nearsighted, so I won't =/

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Originally posted by ArtVandelay

Funny...EVERY time I've gone to the hospital (even with my wife around), I've ALWAYS thought, "I wonder if I'll get a hot nurse".

It's NEVER happened.


Hot nurses only exist on TV and in the movies.

On another note, here's hoping everything goes smoothly for you, Kannibul.


I once had hot nurse.:D


After i got high from the IV i started hitting on her, i was like 12 years old.:D

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