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John Densmore....


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I haven't listened to the Doors in a while, but today I've been groovin to some ol school doors CD's. I have forgotten how good Jon Densmore really was. Great drummer, and huge inspiration for me? Comments? I figured we could get a Doors/ JOhn Densmore thread going?


I have always liked how he did that whole ride cymbal to tom thing, like on the end of LA Woman.



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I always liked his drumming and thought it went well with their music.



However, I'd say that Densmore's biggest contribution to music was managing to restrain himself from driving a drumstick through Jim Morrison's skull.



Densmore had a cameo appearance as a janitor in an episode of "Sledge Hammer!".

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Yeah...Densmore was the right drummer for that band...in more ways than one. Had a good knack for parts that were just interesting enough. I was never a big fan of the band, but I always enjoyed playing Doors covers, particularly Riders on the Storm---beautiful exercise in subtlety.

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Really creative drummer who was perfect for the Doors. You hear a lot of adjectives about the different styles those guys played in. A lot of it had to do with Manzarek's approach to keyboards/bass tones... but Densmore would throw out these bossa nova grooves here and there that just made the tune what it was. He had a great snare sound too. Listen to "When the music's over". I don't know what the hell he's doing in that song, and neither does he, probably. :)

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Originally posted by guang-han

i found his biography of his time playing with the doors interesting.

and he is a really really good drummer

check out "the end" live footage if you can...not much peace and love in that song i dont think



Title of the book?

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