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PJB's quotes of the day


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I play drums...

I also think that I have nothing but nice things to say, and help people out for months, and the one time someone starts with, I can't retaliate. I'm the bad guy, fine. So be it, but I don't take crap from anybody. I think people need to mind their business.:thu:


For the greater good of this forum, which I respect, I am ending this fiasco.:thu:

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I was making a point at how rude, and vile PJB's words were ,and how offensive they could be towards someone who was gay in this forum. Once again, people putting words into my mouth,

If anybody can read, you'd realize that timekeeper and PJB were more than out of line when they spoke to me, so if you don't like my response, you can shove it...:thu:

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Originally posted by sherman22

How can I be as good of a person as you?


Me? perfect? golly-no.


I guess as we come up through our developement as a players and the experience we gain being in tons of bands, we know that there are different levels of development. Maybe the band you thought that "sux" is not at your particular level. Maybe they are trying really hard at the level they are at now. Maybe they are young and inexperienced. Have you ever been at that level? I don't know you, but I'm pretty sure you have. We all have. I can say, yes, I use to suck! As the years go by, we practice our asses off and get experience doing gigs with different bands....we...um....dare I say it, mature! We are not green anymore. I listen to old tapes of my old bands and listen to my drumming and I gasp. What was I doing??? Why did I play that? Why do I sound like Mike Portnoy playing a ballad?? ug. It's because I was young and inexperienced.


Your first thought was..."You and your band sux" Are you getting this yet? Does everything have to be on a billboard for you to understand? Think a little deeper about things and put yourself in their shoes before you comment. It's called "think like a grown-up" and not like a "belligerent prick". It makes people wonder how mature you are how inexperienced you really are. You may not be inexperienced, but are only going by the words you say.


Use your words to help these guys. They NEED that a lot more than "pack it up fella's"



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