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Ludwig snare


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I have a Ludwig supersonic snare drum with a snare that has individual brass adjusters on each strand.I haven't played this in a long time and was looking to refurbish it. The throughoff mechanism is the type that maintains tension on the snare througout the entire range. I purchased it back in the late 60"s and it was referred to as a Joe Morello model. Can someone tell me what type of throughout mechanism it has and where I can purchase a new snare like the original?--Thanks Ken

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Supersonic - fast drum ;>)

Supraphonic - Ludwig series of snares

You have a Supraphonic snare with the Supersensative snare mechanism.

You can buy a set of replacement snares through any decent Ludwig retailer.




I have a Supraphonic SuperSnare with the Supersensative SuperSnare Supermehanism. The Superreplacement Supersnare are super hard to find even at a super decent SupraLudwig superstore.

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