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Beginner Recomendations...


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Hi all,

I'm not a drummer, I play guitar and bass, and I'm currently leading worship at my church. Anyway, I've decided that it might be helpful to learn the basics of drumming, both so that I understand drums better and can communicate what I want better to the drummer in my band, and also just 'cause I think it'd be fun to fool around on drums a little. Plus, learning drums I hope will also improve my rhythmic expression on guitar/bass. I'm not looking to be a great drummer, and I don't have time for private lessons, as I'm a guitar major in college and that keeps me busy enough. :-) But I do have access to a set and was wondering if there are any good books/videos that would work for teaching myself at least the basics? Thanks a lot guys.


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Hey. I am also a guitarist/bassist for over 2 years. I just recently picked a ludwig set and am trying to learn. Im not used to taking lessons but ive been tring to find good ones online. I like to get right into playing even though i cant. I am self taught by just reading stuff online. I found some good videos and articles on youtube and yahoo teaching basics of drums though. This guy has been the most helpful to me. http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=ScoopDeville04 Hope this helps.

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The best beginning resources I've found to start off are


1) George Lawrence Stone's Stick Control

2) Roy Burns or Haskell Harr Elemantary Drum Methods

3) The 26 Basic Drum Rudeminets

4) Palmer and Hughes beginning drumset book "How to play RockN Roll Drums"


Just remember...you gotta crawl a little before you walk, and evenesss and good time keeping are the key elements. You're going to drive the train now instead of being just a passenger. And a metronome (or the use of an online metronome is imperative. Here's a link...



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+1... the best online resource, bar none.

Plenty of lessons w/ drum tabs, Audio & Video examples.


Look at the "Education" Drop Down.


Get yourself a quality practice pad. Anything you can do on a pad & tapping your foot can be translated to a drum set.


When learning new songs... I often use this method before moving to the set.

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