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Is it just me?


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I have wide and varied musical tastes, as I'm sure many of us do. I have a computer that does nothing but play MP3's all the time, in random order. I just heard Steve Vai's "Greasy Kid Stuff," followed by Robert Earl Keen, then Motely Crue, then Rafael Kubric (Serenade No. 13 for strings in G Major).


Does anyone else ever think; "Damn, no one has EVER listened to these songs in that order before!"

Could hearing CSNY followed by Goo Goo Dolls followed my Lou Reed cause the end of civilization as we know it?!?!?


Probably just me...

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I have that feeling all the time...

My IPOD likes the following combination a LOT...

Tool -> Jackopierce -> Sevendust -> Sevendust** -> Beatles -> Miles Davis



** During it's peak wierd shuffle periods, it always throws in 2 songs from the same band in a row at least once.

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