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My band needs help!!!


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we played a great show last night. it was a battle of the bands and we ended up coming second. they said it was a tie and what broke it was the amount of fans each band brought. and we lost by 5 people. well anyway, there was a film crew there that filmed the show and told us to tell every one we know to go to their myspace www.myspace.com/mustbethegenes and request for my band fear of heights. well im telling you guys, so if you have a myspace my band would love you forever if you helped us out!!

cheers guys


our myspace is www.myspace.com/fohmusic where you can hear a live recording of last night.

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Ok... I'm not trying to bust your balls here.. please take this as constructive critisim...


You have some serious timing issues in your live tracks... I would suggest playing to a click at practice for a while. It will greatly benefit both you and your band. Its a good practice to get into anyway, as you'll need to get used to it for the studio.


Band sounds pretty good overall, not really my genre, but with a little production, I think you can get a very solid sound.

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dont worry, my balls feel fine
but yeah, my guitarists tends to speed up in live performances, and my bassist is pretty hard to follow with the pop 'n slap funk stuff that he does.


You're driving the bus... If they get off time, that's their problem. I've had similar situations here and there with a guitarist or bassist who can't keep time or want to drive.. they get the point after a while.


Maybe bring a click to practice and have everybody play to it (Guitarist Love Clicks) ;)


or have them practice at home to a click to a tempo you chose for each song.


You'll all be better musicians as a result.

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