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Booking Terminology Help

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I've been presented with this in an email regarding a booking:


cover is $7 or $5 w/ a flyer. you can try to walk it up or you

can have 100 tickets for $100.00. all the extras are for you to blow up

your band! let me know if that works for you.



OK. What does "walk it up" mean?


Also, what is being referred to as "all the extras are for you to blow up your band?" Does this mean I can buy the tix and sell them myself or give them away?


I'm going to email back for clarification, but I thought I would try this forum first to avoid looking like an arse.

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This is just a guess, as I haven't heard it put in quite those terms before...it sounds to me like you are splitting the door with the club, and they're giving you a better split on advance sales, if you choose to take that option. You would buy the block of 100 tickets for $100, and then sell or give them away as you see fit, guaranteeing at least 100 folks in the door that night. They can afford to take a smaller cut of the advance sales, because they know they'll have that many people in the building buying drinks. You would then keep whatever over the $1 per ticket you sell them for to split amongst the band, thereby making up to $400-600 in advance, plus whatever your split of the walk-up sales would be that night.


The up side of this kind of deal is that you can potentially make a lot more money than just relying on walk-ups the night of the show. The down side is, of course, that you've paid $100 for those tickets whether you sell them or not, and you might just be out $100 if you wind up not selling any of them. The club owner assumes that even if you don't SELL the tickets, you're going to hand them out to everyone you know, so they're going to have a lot of thirsty bodies in the club either way,which as we all know is where they make their money anyway.

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what ^ said as long as you realize the people who buy your tickets are basically buying "advance" tickets, so they give their ticket to the door guy, and hence they have not paid the (most likely) more expensive door cover.

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