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sweet double bass technique


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I'm not sure if I invented this or not... probably not... however I havn't found it anywhere else.


so a couple weeks ago I posted a thread asking about being able to "feel time" when you double bass. once I would get to a certain tempo using single strokes I couldnt feel the rhythm like you can with your hands because of the rocking motion you use on your hands.


I found the constant release tech to be close to what I was after, but i changed it up a little with a sliding motion. I think it's easier to learn, and provides the same speed, and solid power.


if you're struggling with keeping rhythm on your double bass, try this! I've been at it for a week and I've gone up 20 BPM. I think people will like this...



please excuse me if I've used some wrong drummer lingo that doesn't apply or something. I'm not so educated when it comes to terms. I just do it :)




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Your doing heel toe, or a modified version of it anyway.


yeah... my problem with heal toe was that I couldn't get a steady beat. I tried learning it for about a week so some of the movement may have rubbed off when i was figuring this out. you really that looks like heal toe?


all I know is that it gives me single stroke power, and it was so freaking easy to start doing!

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Yeah, definitely looks like a modified heel toe. Difference is that you are playing the heel first when you slide your foot forward and down and then toe when you slide back. You still are pivoting between your heel and toe, just adding a slide. I don't see the extra slide as necessary but if it works for you, go for it.


For me, traditional heel toe has the least amount of effort. In your version, you have to slide the foot forward and slide it back whereas in heel toe or constant release you just release and let gravity do the first step thus less effort.


Also, constant release is fundamentally the same motion as heel toe, I actually play them the same.

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