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Getting a Custom Kit made, what size kick???


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I am used to a 18"x22" kick, a pretty standard size, but I was toying with the idea of getting a 24" kick instead of the 22". What depth should I be thinking of? The guy at the drum company said 14" depth on a 24" kick is a perfect size for a kick, but it just seems really shallow, and kind of 70's-ish. What are some good bass drum sizes? I like punchy, solid bass, but I'd like a little boom in there too.

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22"x18" is the standard now. It used to be 22"x16" or 22"x14". 24"x14" is a good choice as well, but I would also not rule out the punch of a 20"x14". Go to a drum shop, and play all of the kicks you can, play as many of each size you can find.

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Well, this may sound stupid but kinda true, how tall/big are you? And how much do you play out? The reason I ask is because of the same reason Chad Smith uses a 24", he also use to use a 26", but its because hes so {censored}ing big. If I were to see a 7 foot tall drummer using a 18" I would laugh my ass off and slap the pictures all over the internet. So as goofy as that sounds, take your size into consideration a bit. That is if you are spending good money on a custom kit.

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Wrong. Horrible statement.


There is nothing un-warm about maple, and kicks get sloppier as the size increases, adding depth would make it less responsive.


That whole statement just sounds like silly nonsense a DDrum employee would spew. And now there's one more drummer walking around with misinformation in his head.

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I am used to a 18"x22" kick, a pretty standard size, but I was toying with the idea of getting a 24" kick instead of the 22". What depth should I be thinking of? The guy at the drum company said 14" depth on a 24" kick is a perfect size for a kick, but it just seems really shallow, and kind of 70's-ish. What are some good bass drum sizes? I like punchy, solid bass, but I'd like a little boom in there too.



Look, "punchy with a little boom" can be achieved by all of these sizes. That sound is more from head choice and muffling technique, so go with whatever one you want. Don't believe for a minute though that a bass drum can't get balls because it's 14" deep.


Ever been impressed by that ballsy woofy tone from the legendary Funky Drummer break (youtube it if you've never heard it before)? It's a 20x14 kick. Bonham...26x14.


Bare with me here. Here's a 20x10 or 20x12 kick, it's a cheap poplar shell.


Pretty impressive, huh?


Here's a 20x20, the kick that's allegedly supposed to be so much better because of its depth. The shell is maple.



The puny Pearl kick sounds just as ballsy as the 20x20, more IMO. And it's going to be MUCH more responsive.


Here's a 20x14 Ludwig Classic Maple. Listen to this and tell me it REALLY needs another 6 inches.



And since you're going with a keller shelled custom kit, here's a 22x14 C&C bass drum made from keller shells. Some of you folks might recognize this beauty.



Get my point?


Don't believe the hype.

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You might wanna compromise and go with a 24x16. I was debating between a 26x14 and a 26x18 when I ordered my custom Ludwig. I settled on a 26x16 and am really happy with it, it's a bit whoofier than the 14 deep, but not as uncontrollable as a 18 deep.

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The pitch has little to do with the shell depth. It all comes from the head diameter. My 14x26 kicks a$$, I couldn't imagine having it with 2 or more inches of depth. I can just barely get it under control now, but with all that extra air, I would imagine problems with overtone control. But in the same breath, I practice with my band using a 16x22, and keep a 16x24 which also has lots of smack. But they both pale in comparison to my 26" bohemith.

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