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How much to pay for a tama swingstar?

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What are your thoughts on this kit? I have a nice Yamaha Kit but I'd like a good beater kit to bring around to small gigs, something I don't have to worry about. We often play gigs where the drummers are sharing a kit and I'd feel more comfortable this way. I've heard it's a very sturdy kit, but I just want to make sure I'm going to be able to get a decent sound out of it.


A local guy has a 5pc with bass drum pedal, hi-hat stand, snare stand, and throne for 500 (Canadian). Take a look:



I asked him if I could ONLY get the shells (only the three toms and the bass drum) and if he could bring down the price. He said he could do both so.... how much should I ask him for? Keep in mind stuff is generally more expensive here in Canada, so what's maybe not a deal in the US could be here.



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