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getting massive plays on mp3.com


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We have over 80,000 plays last time I looked.


We started out by posting on a lot of message boards asking people to check the music out. We had mixed success with it. We then started asking websites to review our CD, and some of them obliged. We were very grateful for that. Once a few reviews were out and people listened, the word of mouth has generated a lot of sales and traffic.


We also got a lot of plays once we started to chart high. We were #1 in Louisiana for a while, I think we're still pretty up there, and we got added to a lot of stations then.


Another tactic we used was to watch which songs would chart and put them first on our page. That way people were hearing what everyone seemed to percieve as the best song first, then that would lead them to go down the page and listen to the others.


One of the most important things too is song quality. I sometimes listen to 100-500 bands in a single sitting on mp3.com trying to find something I like. Many of the bands have either unlistenable recordings or the vocals are just horribly recorded/mixed. It's so hard to get the listening public to understand that something is a "demo" so we never post "demos." If you can put high quality tracks out there and the songs are solid, there are people looking for them and they will tell absoloutely everyone once they do find them.


Things tend to snowball once they get started, it's just getting things started.


Good Luck!


P.S. Here's our mp3 page: http://www.mp3.com/shakespeareinhell


I'll probably check yours out tonight, I can't stream audio at work.

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