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sites for finding musicians?

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You can try...


Harmony-Central.com (obviously)





And then try google.com and do a few variants of the search "Washington D.C. musician classifieds" (with and without the quotes)


There's a bunch more sites but I can't be arsed to look them up right now... just got my cable internet hooked back up and I NEED to look at porn, I mean download music, I mean download software, I... I mean play video games... yeah, video games, that's the ticket.



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a/ do a google search


if you are looking for a specific area (since you are probably in a specific area ;P) then do a search for "[area your in] musicians classifieds"


then look for local music sites, i.e. I live in hillsboro IL. I go to st. louis sites and springfield IL sites like these:


gtp-inc.com stlmusic.com stlpunk.com springfieldconcertweb.com etc


Then go to local BAND sites... many have forums... make yourself a really good ad and then post it all over




p.s. i have found some people through this but if you are in a remote area... like I am - I'm an hour from the cities - then you are going to have a harder time... the best thing to do is go to shows and make flyers with the ad on it and hand them out to people before and after shows, and/or during set changes.

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Originally posted by NecroSocial

There's a bunch more sites but I can't be arsed to look them up right now... just got my cable internet hooked back up and I NEED to look at porn, I mean download music, I mean download software, I... I mean play video games... yeah, video games, that's the ticket.




It's too bad Musicians.com is dead now.. that site was the best one IMO :( Craigslist is popular as hell though!

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