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The Funky Drummer...not good news


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Apologies for being late to the discussion, but our internet connection went tits up for a couple of days.






There's a huge amount of misinformation concerning 'overseas' health care being put about by the US right at the moment. It has received a lot of attention by our British media because the NHS (our health Service) is being held up as an example of a worst-case scenario. Said misinformation would be laughable if it weren't for its effectiveness at influencing the views of the 'average' US citizen, as is evident from your reply (not picking on you, incidentally, just want to set some things straight).


There are no 'death panels', as Sarah Palin would have you believe. Priority is given to anyone with a life-threatening condition, regardless of age. My partner's mother was offered surgery for a minor heart-complaint. She's 88 years old and turned down the treatment as she reckons she wouldn't survive the procedure. She's doing well without the op, but could take up the offer any time she wanted and still wouldn't pay a penny. My Father was diagnosed with prostate cancer last year. He's in his late 70s, but saw a consultant immediately, was given medication immediately and, one year later, is totally clear of cancer. Didn't pay a bean. My Aunt in Germany, also in her late 70s, underwent a life-saving heart operation at the beginning of the year. Despite being a heavy drinker and heavy smoker for most of her adult life, she was treated just like anyone else. To my knowledge, she didn't pay a bean either. So, looks as if the German healthcare system is pretty fair, too.


What will it cost you? The other day, the BBC gave a breakdown of how much the average US citizen pays for healthcare as a percentage of GNP. Twice as much as a UK citizen, despite our health service being free. Someone is f*cking you over, chaps

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You could learn a lot from the Dutch system.




In a nutshell: Health Insurance is mandatory. People are bound by law to have health insurance. People are free to choose the provider of healthcare insurance. It is a free market based scheme. The goverment set up a basic insurance plan which every insurer has to provide. This provides care in Hospital, medicines and housedoctor. The first 155,- euro of care provided from that basic insurance is to be paid by the client, after that the insurance company will pay.


Next to that people are free to choose any additional package to provide care such as dental care, alternative medicine and physical therapy. This is seen as luxury care and the content of the additional insurances are for the companies to decide.


The insurance companies make their own prices. It is up to the public to decide where they want te be insured, they can base that decision on the prices of the insurance and on the content of the additional packages. Basic insurance is about 90 euros a month.


Next to that insurance companies can arrange certain deals with companies to provide a discount and additional products for their employees. This is called a collective insurance.


Also social services in certain cities have these collective insurances for their clients.


I find it very bothersome that a lot of Americans are afraid of anything left on the political spectrum. I find the lies told by some republicans about Obama's healthcare plan insulting to the American citizens. Healthcare should not be a luxury and be provided to anyone. This does however mean that every member of society should pay their part and this is not a bad thing!

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