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Need som insight on what to get


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Ive been having a lot of thoughts on what to get for my first drum set, but I jus cant decide, Ive come really close to buying some sets on craiglist but for some reason I just havent.


Im already in a band and we have already gone recording, Ive never had lessons, and I dont really have anything to practice but my desk lol, I play at his place on a very cheap PDP I think.


I want to get my first drum set but I dont think I want pearl exports or tamaa rockstars, bassicly I dont want a begginer set, I want something good from the start that will last me a long time. My budget is about $550.


I saw on craiglist a Mapex ProM 6 piece with zildjan titaniums with all the hardware for$ 600, I was gona go for it but he told me he already sold it, was this a good deal?


The other deal that had me thinking and that I can still buy is a Mapex M birch 7 piece with hi hat stand and pedal for $550, possibly 500, but since that other deal was a better model with cymbals it got me thinking.


So yeah, can you guys help me decide on what to get? Im going to buy it used on craiglist so I can get something good but what should I be llooking on my price range? Im interested on Catalina Maples too, but Ill just wait to hear what you guys have to say.


Oh and the genre we play is post-rock, so yeah I think I would be looking at a rock kit, but I want something with a good low end on the floor toms since I use those a lot. As for the things I already have is a Tama Iron Cobra double pedal and one mapex stand.



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Yeah Iv hard about the titanium sounding like crap, its just that they would last me until I could affort better.


Anyways, how does the deal for the M birch sound? 7 pieces for 550, Im kinda undecided since I think I would preffer the ProM, and there is actually a set on craiglist of a Yamaha stage custom 5 piece with a gibraltar rack, and Paiste Alpha hats, crash, ride, splash (how do the alphas sound? are they low end line?) I dont like yamaha really much, but I havent hear to much from them, and I would like 2 floors.

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Yammies are great.. Don't overlook Yamaha man.. They make great intermediate, to pro stuff..

I don't mind Alphas, especially after they get a little patina and dirt build up. They aren't high end, but arent crap either I don't think.

Paiste is the only one I think that can do sheet cymbals right. I don't know much about Paiste, but I have owned a few Alphas and they werent bad from what I remember.

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The M Birch kit is prolly a decent deal. But, I own a Saturn kit and still believe that Mapex made a mistake discontinuing the Pro M's for the Meridian line.

I damn near bought a new Pro M kit last year, but went used on CL too and got a killer set of Premier Genista's which I'm very happy with and stands side to side with my Saturns.


I'm a little partial to Mapex, but don't by pass any of the decent manufacturers man. They all have mid to high end kits that are sweet as hell.

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I don't know what kind of set up you're looking for but here's some good deals that stuck out to me at musicgoround.com








The last one is RIDICULOUS. $250 for a CX?!

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