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Location...How important is it?

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How important is it to live near or in a major music center (LA, NYC, Nashville)?


IMHO I have always thought it best to be a big fish in a little pond rather than a little fish in a big pond. However, I am in Pittsburgh which has no pond! I am interested in promoting myself as a songerwriter and a sideman. I am considering the Philadelphia area or Cleveland area as a step up from where I am now.


Has anyone here relocated for music buisness purposes? How did it work out?



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Boozy, IMO you gotta be somewhere that has a scene where your musical style fits, and where cats are makin' it. What is your style? Because, unless it's country, you might also want to consider Detroit. The scene is pretty huge here on a lot of fronts (garage and other 70's vibed rock, hip-hop, electronica, jazz, blues, you name it), and seems to be getting bigger every day. Then again, I am kind of biassed.:cool:

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