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Hi, I'm in a band based in philladelphia pa. the hardcore and emo bands are huge here...I like harcore and metal and some of that emo....I like PTW, a life once lost, Halfway, All else Failed....but my band has more of a chevelle, tool, deftones...type musical sound...but there is no audience for that here...and we are not big enough to tour yet......what should we do??? just rent out halls and play and play till people catch on????

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Originally posted by spikeymikey

Hi, I'm in a band based in philladelphia pa. the hardcore and emo bands are huge here...I like harcore and metal and some of that emo....I like PTW, a life once lost, Halfway, All else Failed....but my band has more of a chevelle, tool, deftones...type musical sound...but there is no audience for that here...and we are not big enough to tour yet......what should we do??? just rent out halls and play and play till people catch on????



You could try that. You could also try doing a bit more of what's attracting crowds. Or you could move. But keep in mind, in rock and hip-hop especially, what's drawing crowds today may not be in 6 months. Everyone's attempt to be The Next Big Thing and to stay ahead of the curve virtually assures a short shelf life for what's hip. Maybe it'll come around your way and you won't have to do anything. If any of us really knew how to predict what the next trend was going to be, we could be gazillionaires. But keep this in mind: He who lives by the trends, dies by the trends. Stay true to what you do and do it for yourself first and you'll be a lot happier, regardless of how popular you become.

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Have you ever got together with two or three other bands and rented a hall? We used to do that once in a while. We used to get a couple kinds of bands (all rock, lol, but different styles of rock) this gave us a pretty wide audience, and allowed us to expose as many different people as possible. The catch is that there may not be much money made. But at least you get your stuff out to people who normally might not see you, besides, its a great way to build up a music scene where the musicians support each other. (comes in handy when the band breaks up and you need someone else to play with, lol).

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I agree. Get 3 or 4 bands you know together and put on shows. Or get to know other bands in a similar style and open for them.


Hardcore and emo are pretty big everywhere. Even here in Columbia, SC. But that doesn't mean you won't be able to draw a crowd, it just means that there might not be an instant market for it in your area. So make your own crowd, or play in markets where your type of music traditionally goes over well.

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