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Contacting Producers. Is it possible?


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I have come to the conclusion that while we have some really good music and a growing fan base, we really need to have a new set of ears listening to our tracks and offering suggestions.

I just enrolled for my produers certificate and will be taking a Pro-tools class, a session producing class, and a how to start your own label.

I orginally wanted to try to do everything myself, but I'm 28 and the clock is ticking (fortunately I look young) and I wanna do this big time NOW. So, I want to get our music to a good producer, Like Pherrel or Tery Date or Brendan Obrien or Rubin or?

If anyone is willing to offer suggestions that (knows what they are talking about of course) please have a listen to our tracks and post. Thanks. I already know the croaky voiced guy (Craig) is too loud, it's because HE mixed it. And since we did not have access to a good drum room so the drums are vst/reason but are hand programmed. Thanks




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I'm a little confused at why you want a producer. Do you have a record deal? Or do you have the tens of thousands to pay a big time producer to produce your album? Or are you hoping a well known producer will like your stuff and pitch it to a label? While this is a possiblity if that's your major goal, I would try other avenues first, or at the same time. Producers often listen to "songs" they can pitch to artists they produce but generally I don't think they are too much into trying to get new talent signed ALTHOUGH EVERYTHING is worth trying, so with that being said, it's not hard to get names and numbers, once you do, call and see what happens.

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My old band Dirtbag Pop was friends with them, We sound nothing like them and our intention was to Go by Meatus both for the play on words and its medical definition with a diffent pronounciation. We also dont want to be one hit wonders like them and the Teenage Dirtbag Song, everyine remembers that song but not the band name so..If we Jeff Johnson our way to stardom so be it we are prolithic songwriters and are up to the task.

Either way if anyone here produces, I'd really like some critiques on arrangment and anything else you might hear. I just want some other experienced ears on the project is all. But would love to work with a a pherrel or obrien or date.


Thanks Again

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Do I ever have egg on my face! My DJ is working on the site right now so the music section is down. I apollogise I will bump this post when I know all is up and running. ROB how do you like the look now? Oh and I like No more even though that shord progression is simlar to that song by Live. I liked the loops and the voc's, a little too much delay on the guit solo but cool and comfortable to listen to.


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My old band Dirtbag Pop was friend with them, We sound nothing like them and our intention was to Go by Meatus both for the play on words and its medical definition with a diffent pronounciation.

Either way if anyine here produces, I'd really like some critiques on arrangment and anything else you might hear. I just want some other experienced ears on the project is all. But would love to work with a a pherrel or obrien or date.


Thanks Again

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First of all, you guys have a really cool sound and some good material. I especially liked "unglued" and "drive". I think your recordings sound great for an indie band. It has character and an attention to vibe that I don't often hear with independent bands. Most indie band recordings are fairly documentary; it's just the instruments being played without any art to the production. Not so with your recordings as far as I've heard.

I don't think you need to worry about getting a big-name producer. That's one of many ways into the industry, to be sure, but honestly I bet a guy like brendan o brien gets a million demos a year from bands all across the US and the world. He can't possibly have time to listen to them. If you aren't happy with your production and want an outside opinion, there are tons of talented producers waiting for a break who would help you out for a lot less than a big name producer. Of course, if you want a name behind your project, the only way to go about that is to actually get to know the person.

I don't know where you live, but if you aren't in a major music market get there. Start networking. Play good shows. If you have a good image and can reproduce that sound live, you will get some attention, I would think.

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Thanks for the kind words. We do our best to replicate that live but getting a drummer to play certain songs like the ones I programmed it like herding cats. I really appreciate the feedback.

Would some other viewers please listen and give your honest opinion of the songs. Not so much from the production and mix side but the marketablity and general "sound". We's really like to think that our influences are cleverly disguised but make no mistake we are in the muic business to MAKE MONEY. We have all played for over 15 years and its still a love thing but now its needs to be a love/creativity/marketablity deal. So.. with that in mind what say you viewers about the music, its acceptance and heading in the right direction for greatness or at least fifteen minest and thity-five seconds of fame.


Orion aka Rich Cashdollar



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You know, I have a few friends here trying to get signed, and they can't figure out why. They seem to think they need to improve more to get signed. The thing is, their material isn't any worse than any new band you hear climbing the charts.

I'm convinced that there is a plateau when it comes to talent. You get to a point where you "get it", and there's no reason at that point why you shouldn't get a deal. Of course, a lot of people still don't, and a lot of people who don't get it still get a deal because they're pretty and 17.

I think you guys "get it". Don't start freaking out and chasing every little fad and trend that comes along trying to be marketable. In my experience, A&R people are quite insecure in their decisions (especially since the corporate takeover of the music industry. corporations never understood what the A&R really is). All they need is someone they trust to tell them that someone is worth their time and they'll believe it. Any sign of insecurity from your end is a bad thing.

Your style and direction seems very cool and (not that I'm an expert on what's hot anymore) I don't see why it couldn't get you signed. Just stick with it confidently, and don't lose your focus just because a couple of labels aren't looking for what you do at the moment.

Just my advice; hopefully it helps.

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