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Is there going to be a drum forum drum jam this year?

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There is currently not a Drumjam scheduled for this summer at Brainstorm in Columbus as we've done in the past.


With Marko's passing, the organization, planning (and frankly the motivation) would fall on someone else. Being the closest guy to our Columbus location, I guess that would be me to fill in. :confused:


For a number of reasons, I did not initiate or motivate any conversations to get one going this year. The primary one being that I don't plan on attending even if we had one due to my new baby.


Having said that, DrumBrewer is our fellow forum-mate who works at Brainstorm. I haven't seen him around in some time, but if someone wants to take the reins and run with it, contacting DB is the place to start. I'll be happy to provide background and contact info for anyone who takes this on.

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