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Singing Tips?


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Hello everybody! I'm 15 years old and i love to play piano but recently i'm interested on developing as an artist so i wanna upload piano & voice covers to youtube and share them but for that i gotta have i good voice quality. I recorded a quick demo of me singing a muse song for the moment and i would like you guys to review my voice, tell me honestly if it is nice to hear, and singing tips are really appreciated :)

Thank you all very much in advance



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Hello everybody! I'm 15 years old and i love to play piano but recently i'm interested on developing as an artist so i wanna upload piano & voice covers to youtube and share them but for that i gotta have i good voice quality. I recorded a quick demo of me singing a muse song for the moment and i would like you guys to review my voice, tell me honestly if it is nice to hear, and singing tips are really appreciated
Thank you all very much in advance



Maybe you should get voice lessons.

You could have a pretty good voice by the time you turn 18.


And then you can join a band in college.


Can you play the melody on the piano and sing the same notes with your voice?


It takes time to get good at singing, but you have a big head

start with your piano experience.


You can find "Neutron Star Collision" in this Muse songbook



Or just get the song itself



Anyway, good luck.

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I sang a less exigent song and this is the link:http://soundcloud.com/dannyrodeck/wh...-gone-acapella


I think I am going to cancel my piano lessons since i already know enough and i continue learning with the internet and start some singing lessons to learn the techniques.

Yet i'd love you guys to review my voice, about my tone, vibratto and everything else. Please listen the two demos, specially the second one.


By the way, urca that was a very mean comment :>

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The recording is very low-fi (I assume that was a mic built into your computer?), with no backing instruments and an apparently chromatic melody, so it's very hard to tell much about your voice. Since I'm not familiar with the song, I can't say for sure whether the melody is exotic or you're drifting out of key--I suspect that it's the melody.


In terms of tone, you're fine. You may need to work on the melody a bit more, but, again, maybe not....


In any case, you've certainly got something to work with. And I like the way you stand up to urca! :thu:

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Danny there is nothing amiss w/your tone. All that is needed here is for you to polish up on the finer skills of singing.. Do you WANT to sing..? Then,.. as with any skill one wants to learn you must put effort into learning to do it and keep working at it until you are happy w/what you have achieved..continually record and listen to yourself and you will be able to see areas that have improved and areas that need improvement. Find some lessons and or some online coarses/instructor. It is not an overnight accomplishment as some of the singers will attest to on this forum...I'd like also to hear the context of the song you recorded w/some type of instrumental accompaniment, because there were no dynamics and modulations in the song and one can't really tell if it's the song you chose or what...


I'd like to hear something else in the future from you as well...Do not give up on something you'd like to learn....unless of coarse you decide you don't WANT to pursue it.....the brain is an amazing instrument..

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I said it many times, and will repeat it till I die.... Mileage is the key to any improvement!


There have been discussions and discussions about practice, method, genetics, talent and more, but my experience is that while we waste our time writing on boards and talk, the dedicated ones practice and get better.


I also have experience as a musical instructor on different instruments and vocals, and I have yet to see an exeption to practice = results. Talent is not a engine that drives you to improve daily, it's only a indication of your present skill. But getting compliments on your skill/talent can be a motivation. It is also a trap to fall into that you don't see improvements on a day to day basis, which can lead to less dedication.


So my advice for you to become a good singer is to sing as much as you can. That is much more important than anything, so try to find ways to do it. I sing while driving my car, doing housework, sitting at the computer and as much as I can. BTW, your voice is OK, but with some weeks singing a lot it will be Good. Going from Good to Very good takes 10 times work and from Very Good to Awesome takes 100 times as much work... :)

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I said it many times, and will repeat it till I die.... Mileage is the key to any improvement!

There have been discussions and discussions about practice, method, genetics, talent and more, but my experience is that while we waste our time writing on boards and talk, the dedicated ones practice and get better.

I also have experience as a musical instructor on different instruments and vocals, and I have yet to see an exeption to practice = results. Talent is not a engine that drives you to improve daily, it's only a indication of your present skill. But getting compliments on your skill/talent can be a motivation. It is also a trap to fall into that you don't see improvements on a day to day basis, which can lead to less dedication.

So my advice for you to become a good singer is to sing as much as you can. That is much more important than anything, so try to find ways to do it. I sing while driving my car, doing housework, sitting at the computer and as much as I can. BTW, your voice is OK, but with some weeks singing a lot it will be Good. Going from Good to Very good takes 10 times work and from Very Good to Awesome takes 100 times as much work...


Bajazz is right on this one. You need to be practicing almost every day (you probably should have one day of rest every week).


One recommendation I'd give is to use some kind of vocal workout.

They help fix a lot of common vocal problems.

Hal Leonard released a pro vocal workout CD/book not too long ago.


Vocal Warm-Ups - Pro Vocal Series [Paperback]




Here is a description:


"Singing requires putting the rest of your busy life aside and focusing on both the physical and creative components of making art through sound. Just like athletes musicians must warm up to be limber relaxed and ready to perform and to prevent strain or injury. These 25 warm-ups are designed to take your voice and body from their everyday habits and routines and to focus and prepare them to sing well. The exercises begin with broad large-muscle relaxation techniques and breathing work and move on to a gradual relaxed warm-up of your voice and strengthening of your vocal skills. The CD contains demos for listening and separate backing tracks so you can sing along. Three songs are also included for practice."



So you could use this workout CD to warm up your voice everyday before singing.



1)Warm up with the vocal workout CD

2)Work on whatever you need to


The important thing is that you do it 5-6 days a week without fail.

Make it a habit and your voice will definitely get better.


It takes time for your voice to mature. It might take a year of

doing vocal workouts for your voice to fully open up. But just keep at it.


The book is only 15 bucks. So it'll hardly break the bank.


Good luck.


NOTE: If you need another book to bring the total to $25 and quality for FREE Shipping on Amazon.com, I'd recommend "The Voice Book" by Kate Devore (http://www.amazon.com/The-Voice-Book-Protecting-Improving/dp/1556528299/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1334108068&sr=8-1). It teaches, alignment, breathing, vocal cord anatomy, resonance, speech training, how to prevent vocal injury, and even how to best project your voice depending on the size of the room and audience.

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