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fullness and power of my voice


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Ok i'm a guitar player looking to get really serious about vocals. When i record my voice the thing that bugs me most is that i sound like Immature/thin/ weak, pretty much the opposite of the singers i like. My speaking voice is a normal sounding voice and normal depth, but i have no vocal skills. Will i develop the fullness i'm looking for with proper technique or is this something you have or you don't?

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Maybe you can develop a sound that you like. You can work at it. What else can you do?


I imagine one day there will be a microphone with built in autotune and voice emulation - select Lady Gaga on the switch, sing into it and Lady Gaga's voice comes through the PA, perfectly in tune.

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Symphony, how old are you? When I first started singing I sounded terrible when I first recorded it. I found that simply practicing heaps and heaps really helped. I play acoustic guitar, so I could just pick up the guitar and sing for how long I chose. I found that the more rehearsed I was, the better I sounded. I'm talking about serious time invested, and lots and lots of it. It really does help to hone one's singing skills.


Try spending a month of INTENSE practice on just 2 or 3 songs. Get them up to the best standard you can manage. Know those songs inside out. Then after the month is over, record yourself singing the song you feel most comfortable with (make sure you do a good warmup before the recording .... make sure you're confident with the song). Do that, and I bet you'll be amazed at how much better you sound.

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Symphony, how old are you? When I first started singing I sounded terrible when I first recorded it. I found that simply practicing heaps and heaps really helped. I play acoustic guitar, so I could just pick up the guitar and sing for how long I chose. I found that the more rehearsed I was, the better I sounded. I'm talking about serious time invested, and lots and lots of it. It really does help to hone one's singing skills.

Try spending a month of
practice on just 2 or 3 songs. Get them up to the best standard you can manage. Know those songs inside out. Then after the month is over, record yourself singing the song you feel most comfortable with (make sure you do a good warmup before the recording .... make sure you're confident with the song). Do that, and I bet you'll be amazed at how much better you sound.



i'm 25 and thanks for the recommendations. i will do that

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Anyone can develop a richer, warmer and more convincing voice, absolutely! You just need time, patience and a singing regime to help you.


I'm a great believer that half the battle with singing is in the mind, so even just thinking about producing a warm, powerful tone can make a difference! Really! Give it a try and see how you get on! (Don't force anything - if it hurts, stop. If it feels pushed, stop! These changes can take time.)


Have fun!



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I suspect that you're simply not using a good enough resonance technique.


Google 'singing in the masque' or something similar and you might experience a revelation. Most people might spell it 'mask' instead of 'masque', so try that too if the first doesn't work on google.


Good lucK!

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Time spent is the only answer, as a beginning singer myself I am convinced of this. I'm starting to develop decent resonance just now after over a month of spending most of my time just humming and using sounds like ZZZZ and NG just on the open guitar strings A B C D E (e is just way to low) and this isn't 5 minutes a day, about an hour just on the humming ZZZ sounds. And then a couple of hours of doing the same things with vowel sounds. At first I tried doing scales and what not but what was the point when I couldn't even hold a steady note for 2 seconds. I'm just now starting to add some scales and super simple songs. And knowing those songs REALLY REALLY well helps a ton. It is amazing how many ways a song can be sung. On the root, the 5th the 7th the octave, sometimes even the 3rd. And the song will sound very different on each of these.


Also, do your practice with a mic and either headphones or some way to hear yourself the way you really sound, not the way you sound to yourself. If you don't you are wasting your time. At first you will cringe at how you sound, but you quickly figure out the resonance thing and get use to your voice. You will probably discover you are never going to sound like the people you want to emulate, but after a while you will accept this and develop your own sound that is good in its own right. And when you accept this you will be able to sing with confidence.

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