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How to find my head voice?


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Guys, I think I'm gonna start from scratch. I seem to modify my voice a lot when I sing, I need to work a ton on relaxing first, and when I can handle at least an octave of proper, consistent STRAIN FREE chest voice, then I might considering continuing my search for the head.


I support this choice. :thu: I've found that straining kills my ability to sing high notes well, and being able to be relaxed when I sing helped a lot.

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Personally, I would NOT tighten any part of your throat or tongue. That is a big no-no from my experience but if it works for you, sure go ahead

Singing has to come from a natural and comfortable place. For example, words like "Hi! How are you?" "Mama mia!" "Good job!" said with enthusiasm will bring your voice up there in the mask naturally and help you hear and feel what the correct placement is. Then rely on your ears and senstations to reproduce that sound into your singing. There is no tightening required when you speak therefore there should be no tightening required when you sing.




After "finding" my head voice, I realised that for years my laugh was actually in head voice (started out as a joke, then it became natural :facepalm:). But of course it wasn't something I'd really thought about until then.

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