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Got some lessons and books!


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I just want to say thanks to peeps for encouragement in my last post. It really got me psyched up, and I found a teacher AND bought a couple o' cheesy book/cd's, and I think it's all working a bit. It's been about 3 weeks or maybe a month, and I definitely am hearing incremental improvements.


I have a long ways to go, but I am noticing two things mostly:


1) I am starting to feel where my trouble spots are (I now know this is the passagio-- there are two areas for me--- around D4, with G4 as a very tough not, and then I break into a heady/falsetto-ey thing around A-- so the G-A area is tricky. After A4 I am good up to the D5/Eb5 area, and then a brick wall at E5. The tone is very shaky in the break areas though-- BUT it is definitely slowly improving as I practice different runs and vowels through those areas. The teacher gave me some exercises, and the Singing with the Stars cheese book is something I am finding very helpful.


2) Getting used to the difference in the way the tone in the passagio sounds in my head versus on tape, and understanding the relationship.


These two things are really helping me. I have noticed that I am even gaining some control of my tone, with the ability to introduce a little breathiness or slight rasp for fun (but I am staying away from this for the most part for now).


One thing I have noticed is that I have ZERO vibrato, and I can only induce a slow, artificial sounding vibrato with some effort from my diaphragm. I would love to learn how to use real, natural sounding vibrato, so if anyone can offer tips on that, yay.


In a couple of weeks I might do a back to back with my original video and a new one with some improvements (real or imagined, lol).

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One thing I have noticed is that I have ZERO vibrato, and I can only induce a slow, artificial sounding vibrato with some effort from my diaphragm. I would love to learn how to use real, natural sounding vibrato, so if anyone can offer tips on that, yay.



I practice both tremolo and vibrato. Sometimes tremolo seems to fit better than vibrato. I use them mostly when holding a note.

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