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Can I justify spending this money?--Mesa boogie rig GAS


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I went to Guitar center and I tried out the Mesa Boogie M-Pulse 600 with the 4x10 Powerhouse. I played the Geddy Lee Jazz bass through it. All I can say is that I was blown away and I want this rig. The Powerhouse cab sounded awesome and it sounded better than the Goliath III IMO. I also played an Aguilar rig that was nice but the Mesa Boogie sounded much more punchy, solid, and boomy. I love this rig.


I'm not that great of a bass player though and I keep going back and forth--Can I justify spending a lot of money on such an awesome rig when I'm not that great of a player? Do you guys ever feel like that? Anyways I can't afford it brand new but I can finance it or do credit card or buy used. I'll just dream a little for now.


The geddy lee jazz bass felt great--much better than the american made bass and the quality even seems better than american. The neck is totally awesome. and the tone sounded great--I thought it sounded even better than american, but that may be cuz i like the bass better.


If I had a lot of money I'd go for a wal 4 string 24 fret, but I'll settle for the geddy lee jazz.

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I bought the 600 off of ebay and got it pretty cheap but it sounds awesome. I'm not sure what you have in mind for playing out in the future but a big solid rig never hurt anyone. A lot of people play through the pa, but there are a lot of situations where I couldn't, or didnt' want to rely on the pa.


I'm running my 600 through SWR 4x10 + 18 (or SWR 8x8) and I couldn't be happier.


Good luck.

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will it take the food off the table?


the roof from over your head?


will buying the rig impair your ability to seek and/or maintain gainful employment?



if the answer to all of the above is no, consider it justified... :cool:



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New and beginning players have every bit as much reason to own great instruments as pro's. Only you can justify the finances, but if the money is there then get it! If it is going to make you want to pick up, plug in and be really inspired to play then it is worth every cent. There is nothing better than how a great instrument, and rig, can help your playing and sound, and nothing worse than having to fight a cheap instrument that robs the enjoyment of playing right out of you. Always get the best you can use and afford, and enjoy it.

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Originally posted by L-1329

New and beginning players have every bit as much reason to own great instruments as pro's. Only you can justify the finances, but if the money is there then get it! If it is going to make you want to pick up, plug in and be really inspired to play then it is worth every cent. There is nothing better than how a great instrument, and rig, can help your playing and sound, and nothing worse than having to fight a cheap instrument that robs the enjoyment of playing right out of you. Always get the best you can use and afford, and enjoy it.


I like that attitude :) I think I'm gonna have to get it. I had a SWR bass 750 for a while and I liked it but eventually sold it. The mesa boogie makes me want to play. In fact, it inspired me so much that I'm backing to playing "The Grudge" from TOOL's Lateralus. That song is hard to master for me, but I've got most of it down. Does anyone know how to play this song fairly well? It's pretty intense.

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Originally posted by L-1329

New and beginning players have every bit as much reason to own great instruments as pro's. Only you can justify the finances, but if the money is there then get it! If it is going to make you want to pick up, plug in and be really inspired to play then it is worth every cent. There is nothing better than how a great instrument, and rig, can help your playing and sound, and nothing worse than having to fight a cheap instrument that robs the enjoyment of playing right out of you. Always get the best you can use and afford, and enjoy it.






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