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I want a good compact 4 ohm sub to go under an Eden 210 XST for $600-$700


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Any suggestions?


Right now I'm strongly considering a schroeder 2x12.


BassNW has an Ampeg 4 ohm 18 for $399 or so though...


Any suggestions? I want something that will handle a lot of power. Articulate isn't exactly a priority, just deep bass.

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Hmmm, there's the Eden D215XLT, but that's a bitch to haul and it's at the peak of your price range.


4 ohm 15" drivers are uncommon.


You could buy an Eden D118XL and a pair of 16 ohm 10" speakers to replace the ones in your cab.

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Originally posted by burdizzos

Hmmm, there's the Eden D215XLT, but that's a bitch to haul and it's at the peak of your price range.

4 ohm 15" drivers are uncommon.

You could buy an Eden D118XL and a pair of 16 ohm 10" speakers to replace the ones in your cab.


Yeah, I don't think the D215XLT is a winner because it's so big (I already have a HUGE 4 ohm 2x15). That price range is where I'd like to be, but it's flexible as I don't have to purchase immediately.

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