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My new bandmates are giving me GAS.


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I joined a new band recently.


While I'm very happy with my red sparkle finish peavey millennium...


One of the guitar players has a beautiful stained finish T-Bird. The other guitar player has an older natural finish fender jazzmaster. Both are absolutely gorgeous. Suddenly I want an old pretty bass with old bass mojo. I want a cool name brand bass.


I'm such a weak man.









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Originally posted by Fran da Man

Well the new bandmates are giving you GAS, but how do they taste?

Tasty. I'm lactose intolerant though, like 70% of the world population, and I didn't expect male lactation to count.





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actually, my guitarist has inspired me to have reverse GAS. Only a week ago, he was GASing for an Aerodyne Strat, a twelve string acoustic, and a line6 amp. The other day he told me that he has decided to wait a while on that stuff since most of the stuff we are doing currently is acoustic stuff and his Larivee is more than enough acoustic power to suit his tastes. So, this inspired me to keep my GAS contained. So I am going to wait on the Alvarez ABG that I had planned on, but I think that I might still get a fretless Jazz from Rondo as a good project bass.

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