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Anyone here on a Mac computer?


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I just got myself back on the Mac. Set myself up with a dual 1.8 Powermac with 2G (Samsung)RAM & a 2nd internal 160G (Western Digital)hard drive(it came with an 80G). I also installed an RME audio card for all A-D/D-A converting. My monitors are 17" Samsung LCD's. It's a freakin' BEAUTIFUL rig, dedicated to pro audio apps. I'll post pics soon, as my setup is like a work of art. :cool:

Now all I gotta do is LEARN it. :(:confused:

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I am on an iBook G4. It is a wonderous thing, I haven't had a problem yet. I almost want to cry. I have not run into any compatability issues yet, everything works fine, although I don't play games. Its great for recording, I use it with my brothers MBox, and protools. Overall they are easier to use, and set up way better than the PCs (My opinion), and have less problems.



I don't like the fact that they are switching to intel (I believe, or something like that) for their processors, they should keep on track with what they had.


If you want a cheap good computer, the mini mac starts a $499, and has the same specs as my iBook has right now. (its just the computer, no monitor, mouse or keyboard).

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Sweet. I posted a thread on here not to long ago about getting a laptop but i think iv narrowed it down finally. Im looking into getting a Power book G4 15". 15.2-inch TFT Display

1280x854 resolution

1.67GHz PowerPC G4


80GB Hard Drive

ATI Mobility Radeon

9700 (64 MB DDR)

Backlit keyboard

Gigabit Ethernet

FireWire 400 & 800

Analog audio in/out

DVI & S-Video out


except im gonna change the RAM to 1GB DDR333 SDRAM 2x512 SO- DIMMS and a 1.67 GHz PowerPC G4 w/128MB VRAM dual instead of the 64MB.


Not to positive yet, but so far its my number one choice.


what do you think? good investment or no?


I mostly want it for school, My music recording stuff, my digital photography stuff, and then of course my music and ipod. So mostly working stuff, i dont really plan on using it for gaming or anything. oh, and of course to get on the net. lol.

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but of course it also has that 8x optical diskdrive that i can burn dvds to. so ill probably use it for that too. haha. Did yours come with the Mac OS X Tiger software? it looks really cool. already has programs do the the stuff i want to on it. like garageband, iphoto, idvd, and a whole lotta other stuff.

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real work/reliability=Mac


Yes it's oversimplified, but true for the most part. For the record, my PC's I've built have been very reliable with very few problems unless I try to push the clock speeds too hard.

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Originally posted by Sixgun77

real work/reliability=Mac


Yes it's oversimplified, but true for the most part. For the record, my PC's I've built have been very reliable with very few problems unless I try to push the clock speeds too hard.





honestly the only real entertainment i will probably be using it for will be surfing the web, chatting on AIM, MSN messenger and YAHOO messenger, using iTunes for my jams and putting them on my iPod and then watching DVD's witch it should handle all these things no problem. am i correct?

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you're correct. The PC will have a larger variety of ways to do all that though(software/hardware I'm assuming). Do mac's us the same hardware in terms of disk and hard drives and memory? Lemme know how the Ipod works out. The only person I know who has one has nothing but trouble with it.

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Originally posted by Sixgun77

you're correct. The PC will have a larger variety of ways to do all that though(software/hardware I'm assuming). Do mac's us the same hardware in terms of disk and hard drives and memory? Lemme know how the Ipod works out. The only person I know who has one has nothing but trouble with it.



Im not really sure. The apple site has tons of info. I was browsing through that site last night. lol, it took me forever to read everything there was to read, a few hourse. I know it mentions something about disk space and the hard drive and memory etc. but i cant remember exactly what it said. all i know is that Mac's supposedly rarely bottle neck like a PC does when using multiple aps. As far as my iPod goes, it works wonderfuly. Right now im using my stepdads computer with it. my pc here has windows 98 and you need at least windows 2000 to use it. lol, thats right im goin old skool right now! haha. but its so easy, just instal the software, which i iTunes and the program to put your specific iPod on your pc and just open iTunes and click and drag the music from your library to the iPod. totally easy. what kind of trouble is he having with it?

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He has trouble with everything on the ipod randomly being gone. The comp says it's there but the ipod says it's not. I've never understood the hype about itunes. All mp3 players have software that loads music onto the player, why's it so special? I haven't had any trouble with the Creative Labs stuff. If I were doing serious things on a computer I'd probably use a Mac. What's this bottleneck you're talking about?

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They're artsy.


They run BSD Unix on a Mach kernel.


They run on PowerPC processors at the moment but will be migrating to Intel.


The GUI is either super friendly or a royal pain in the ass, depending on your tastes (I feel it's the latter, others love it)


They're over-priced for looking artsy and having only one company make them.


Lots of people like them for doing graphics, movie editing and audio work.


Apple seems to have some pretty reasonable software included with MacOS for basic movie editing and whatnot. Their iLife stuff


I hope you're either not into video games or have something else to use for video games.

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Originally posted by Sixgun77

He has trouble with everything on the ipod randomly being gone. The comp says it's there but the ipod says it's not. I've never understood the hype about itunes. All mp3 players have software that loads music onto the player, why's it so special? I haven't had any trouble with the Creative Labs stuff. If I were doing serious things on a computer I'd probably use a Mac. What's this bottleneck you're talking about?


it has more slowdown than mac when you have multiple programs running. this is what ive heard though, but it has been from mulitple people, so i figure it would be mostly true. Supposedly mac's are ideal for multitasking. :)

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i'm on a g5 here at work.


macs use all standard pc hardware. disk drives at ata (newer ones may be sata), but no more scsi. standard memory dimms, pc2700 on this one.

they use pci slots for expansion, and agp video cards (ati 9600 pros or 9800 pros on the newer ones).


on the low end, yes mac == workstation/pc == games.


but serious web dev is still done on pcs, as well as pretty much all 3d (yes, there is maya for osX, but thats because they have a unix core. audio is pretty much all mac based. low to mid range video is mac, while the high end goes on pc and unix workstations.


as for the bottleneck problem... yes, on a slower pc with minumum ram specs, you will have lockup and bsod. esp with bad or cheap ram.


for the ipod deal, i think its either the shoddy drm involved with the ipod/itunes integration, or the fact the firewire is a dodgy connection. usb2 is much much better (available on mac and pc). try using http://www.ephpod.com/ if you're on pc. supposedly works better. also might want to try updating the firmware for the ipod.


but really, theres not much difference between the two. a badly setup and maintained mac will be just as craptacular as a badly maintained pc. yes, it is easier to fark up a pc, but its much more flexible in its filesystem api. figuere out what you want to do with your machine, and get the one that does what you want. a pbass can certainly do jazz fusion, but a jazz is made to do it.

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Originally posted by niomosy

They're artsy.

They run BSD Unix on a Mach kernel.

They run on PowerPC processors at the moment but will be migrating to Intel.

The GUI is either super friendly or a royal pain in the ass, depending on your tastes (I feel it's the latter, others love it)

They're over-priced for looking artsy and having only one company make them.

Lots of people like them for doing graphics, movie editing and audio work.

Apple seems to have some pretty reasonable software included with MacOS for basic movie editing and whatnot. Their iLife stuff

I hope you're either not into video games or have something else to use for video games.


Im not a big computer gaming fan, so i doubt i will install any games on it at all. the only games i would want on there is the original DOOM games, well, the doom 95 versions. haha, my favorites. Im sure those will work on the Mac. they are expensive though, you are right. I really like the interface though. I read about the intel thing too, i dont think thats supposed to happen until next year. :confused:

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Originally posted by TheDude15k

Im not a big computer gaming fan, so i doubt i will install any games on it at all. the only games i would want on there is the original DOOM games, well, the doom 95 versions. haha, my favorites. Im sure those will work on the Mac. they are expensive though, you are right. I really like the interface though. I read about the intel thing too, i dont think thats supposed to happen until next year.


I recall that they're starting with the Mini-mac's and going from there with the high-end desktops being last.


I dunno, I've never really had a need for the Mac. I've got Photoshop, Adobe Premier and lots of audio software options on the PC. Apple's iLife software has some potential as far as I can tell but their prices have never been competitive enough for me to ever consider buying one. It doesn't help that I've never liked the OS look and feel (always felt more comfortable in Windows, Gnome and KDE)

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i'm about ready to buy an iMac G5 for university. it'll be my first Mac, but i'm not a noob with them...since our school is kind of cheap, i became the de facto "fix it, upgrade it, update it" guy for a lab of 24 eMacs, a Powerbook G4 and a Dual 800 G4 tower - all in a video editing environment.


i love them...stability, power, incredible OS and REAL SUPPORT FOR WIRELESS NETWORKING! i just don't understand why the makers of PC desktops don't incorporate wireless into their systems, and then rely on a PCI card with its own possibly faulty drivers and {censored}, then requiring its own ram-eating utility to run in the background. i heart Airport!

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Yo! *raises hand*


First Gen Ti Book here, I'm in serious need of an upgrade though. Actually put some thought into getting a PC laptop but then I watch my wife with her contant reliabiilty issues (she's used Dell, Toshiba and IBM, all of them experince *way* more hw/sw issues that I have on any single Mac) and wisdom returns. ;)

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Originally posted by Emprov

Yo! *raises hand*

First Gen Ti Book here, I'm in serious need of an upgrade though. Actually put some thought into getting a PC laptop but then I watch my wife with her contant reliabiilty issues (she's used Dell, Toshiba and IBM, all of them experince *way* more hw/sw issues that I have on any single Mac) and wisdom returns.


Must be one of those odd things. I've experienced 0 problems on my Dell laptop. My wife's had the same luck. Odd. Oh well, I'm just a PC guy deep down. Mac's are of a different mindset than me.

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Originally posted by niomosy

Must be one of those odd things. I've experienced 0 problems on my Dell laptop. My wife's had the same luck. Odd. Oh well, I'm just a PC guy deep down. Mac's are of a different mindset than me.



I think that they both have their place in the world and I really can't be without my PC or my Mac. Understand also that I'm talking about a process of years and not months. I've been married for 10 years and for all 10, my wife has been on PC's and I've been mainly on Macs. I've seen her have a ton of headaches and issues over the years on just about every single laptop that she's had and she's seen me calmy use my Macs without having any major issues. I like them both but I'm partial to my Mac.

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I bought this Dual 1.8 G5 the day after Thanks giving 2003. Best computer I have ever used.


Keep in mind that repairing these things is also my job, and has been since the IBM XT days. I can and do build PC's only for playing games ( I am getting ready to build one ONLY for playing Battlefield 2!! ) but I'll take the mac anyday over Windows for everything else but playing games.


I'm at least 2X more productive when I use my Mac than when I use Windows. iLife suite of progs is great for beginner to inter. users and Final Cut Studio is the best video package out there.


Most of the people who cut the mac are basing their opinions on 10 or 15 year old experience on OS8 or 9. They dont even begin to work the same way now. A properly maintained OS X install can have a uptime in years if it were not for patches that make you reboot.


No viruses or windows worms, EVAR. YOu just go on about your business. Probably due to my blogging activities I have some fag-o-tron that keeps sending me Windows virii and worms thru the email. The Mac literally does not know what to do with them. :D


It's a liberating feeling.

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If I were getting a computer for recording I'd probably still go with a PC because I know I can build a reliable one with a good amount of power to it for 1500$ or less. It seems that the Mac's are pretty expensive compared to PC's, but the difference in quality is unquestionable.

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