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Steinberger 5 String Narrow bridge


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I have a 5 String narrow bridge and headpeice for the Steinberger bass I am selling.


If you know about these, then you know that they dont make them anymore and are rare to see up for sale. They have the same footprint as the 4 string steinberger basses, so you can change your 4 to a 5 in minutes.


If you are interested shoot me an email. jefnkely@adelphia.net




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Originally posted by jmbstudios

I am not sure. I think the Spirit line has 5 screws where the bridge screws into the body, and the 80's Steinbergers have 4.

Hey where can I get one of those Unibass from Akai?

Check yours and see.



The Spirits do have 5. You're right. I think the string spacing would be insanely narrow any way.


Good luck finding a Unibass. They were discontinued by Akai. eBay is your best bet but expect to pay through the nose for one.

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