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the bass pron thread...


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Originally posted by Incubitabus

That looks like a boutique Version of a Warwick Streamer (i would say it looks like a spector, but spector does more glossy finishes, where warwick does the softer finishes).

Who made that/where can i see more?


Jerzy Drozd of Barcelona, Spain; imported by Dan Lenard of Luthier's Access Group.



Try this for more pics of the same:



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Originally posted by Mudbass

What's a pron?


I believe it means "porn" - note the letter transmigration - in a similar way that "being pwned" means "being Owned". As I understand it, in many online instant chat arenas or online games its less important that you SPELL the words correctly than in the speed with which you send the message... and, amazing things that human brains are, most people manage to understand the intended meaning of even the most mangled words (the whole "3133t" (elite) internet lingo thing). Plus, when spoken aloud, kids can talk about "doing pron" and their UNhip parents won't know what they're talkin about.


As its used here, we're talking about "Bass Guitar Porn" or bass guitars that are SO delicious to look at and dream of owning that many bassists will experience spontaneuous orgasms. ...the rest of may have to mannually assist the process...



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it's usually pr0n, spelled with a 0 (zero) instead of an o, and obviously the r and o switch places. I believe the original purpose was to evade filters on forums and such - similar to the reason a lot of spam will offer to "save you m0ney"

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