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Mesa vs. SWr


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I am getting a new rig.

Time to freshen things up!

I'm looking at a Mesa setup vs. an SWR setup and wondering what any of you knowledgable folks might think of the tradeoffs.


SWR 750 with 2 2 x 10 Goliath Junior cabs.




Mesa Boogie either a M-2000 or a 400 (or something equivalent) into a Mesa 4 x 10


Any opinions would be appreciated.


I am planning to get a new bass too - a Warwick corvette 4 string standard.

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Mesa probably has more power, but I'm not crazy about their tone. I hear they sound ok cranked, but I've had a very tough time getting a nice tone from Mesa at practice/store volume. SWR I really don't have any experience with.

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Having used both, I'd definitely side with an SWR rig. I had a MB 400 watt rig; it was expensive, and, while very heavy duty, after about five years the tone seemed to 'dull' somewhat (I ahd a similar experience with Trace Elliot).

I recently upgraded from an SWR Workingman's 15 to a Henry the 8x8 cabinet (with ART and Ampeg pres, driven by a Mackie 2600i). The cab makes the rig!:D


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