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Recommend me some CHRISTIAN Hardcore bands?


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Originally posted by King Kashue

If God comes first, why are you so hung up about the music?

Take Third Day...They're southern rock as much as Allman Brothers or Skynyrd, but their lyrics contain far more explicit praise and theology than the fluff Twila Paris or Steven Curtis Chapman produces.

Someone mentioned the Supertones, I have experienced and witnessed more genuine praise and worship at a Supertones concert than I have in many church services.

You said if you wouldn't hear it on Sunday morning in Church then it's not Christian? I've played both Third Day and Supertones on Sunday morning in my congregation, does the fact your congregation wouldn't make it not Christian? There are congregations who don't play any instrumental music, since no instruments are ever mentioned in the New Testament, does that make Hymns that use organ backing not christian? When I play How Great Thou Art or Be Thou My Vision with guitar and bass and drums, does that somehow remove the beauty and truth of those songs? Is our worship diminished? Is God less present because I'm rocking the low end?

Christ created us to be individuals, when I started loving him, I didn't stop loving music. Christ provides perfect freedom in perfect love, freedom to be who we were created to be, fully in Him.

1 Cor. 6:12 "All things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be mastered by anything."

This type of music may not be profitable for you, but there are people for whom it is. If people enter a true worship of the Lord through this music, who are you to judge that it is bad? Who are you to judge their worship at all? I could just as easily say you are limiting the Lord for only thinking worship can occur in your narrow perception of music (and indeed, that is my first inclination) but I am just as wrong to think that of you as you are to think it of others...

Rom 14:1-8 "Now accept the one who is weak in faith, but not for the purpose of passing judgment on his opinions.

2 One person has faith that he may eat all things, but he who is weak eats vegetables only.

3 The one who eats is not to regard with contempt the one who does not eat, and the one who does not eat is not to judge the one who eats, for God has accepted him.

4 Who are you to judge the servant of another? To his own master he stands or falls; and he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand.

5 One person regards one day above another, another regards every day alike Each person must be fully convinced in his own mind.

6 He who observes the day, observes it for the Lord, and he who eats, does so for the Lord, for he gives thanks to God; and he who eats not, for the Lord he does not eat, and gives thanks to God.

7 For not one of us lives for himself, and not one dies for himself;

8 for if we live, we live for the Lord, or if we die, we die for the Lord; therefore whether we live or die, we are the Lord's."

I think you are confusing me with someone else. I never even hinted that i was hung up about the music, i said just the opposite. :confused:
Third day IS a Christian band, I'm familiar with them.
I didn't say if I didn't hear it on sunday morning it's not christian either. :confused:
I said the Christain music i'm familiar with is what is played at a church.
My opinion is that Christian and hardcore are oxymorons, and don't belong in the same sentence. They don't fit together in my mind. To me there is no such thing, as "hardcore Christian" music and i could give a rat's ass what anybody else thinks. It is my OPINION and NOBODY can tell me i'm wrong because it's just that, an OPINION. :)

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Originally posted by tenyearsgone

I think you are confusing me with someone else. I never even hinted that i was hung up about the music, i said just the opposite.

You said a particular type of music, in this instance hardcore and metal cannot be Christian...

To me, if it's hardcore music, it's not Christian music.

When I think Christian music I think Twila Paris and similar. That's MY definition of 'proper' Christian music.

Like I said, it's impossible for a Christian to picture Jesus "rocking out" or headbanging to hardcore music.

Why does the type of music have to do with whether it glorifies God? The style of music may generally be associated with a culture that is not glorifying to God, but that is not an inherent quality of the music...That's what I meant when I said hung up about the music.

Does Amazing Grace suddenly lose it's message if I play it with a distorted guitar? If worship is genuine, then it is pleasing to God, period. (And you may not want to speak to what all Christians can picture or conceive of)...

Third day IS a Christian band, I'm familiar with them.

I didn't say if I didn't hear it on sunday morning it's not christian either.

Sorry, when you said:

Any Christian music I have ever heard IS the type you would hear on a Christian TV station or at a church.

I misinterpreted that statement. In light of statements like "hardcore cannot be Christian", it's easy to see this statement as Christian music = what I hear at church

My opinion is that Christian and hardcore are oxymorons, and don't belong in the same sentence. They don't fit together in my mind. To me there is no such thing, as "hardcore Christian" music and i could give a rat's ass what anybody else thinks. It is my OPINION and NOBODY can tell me i'm wrong because it's just that, an OPINION.

Not to pick on you, but that's a statement I really dislike, because it is just not true...Opinions can be wrong. If it's my opinion "All Christians hate gay people", that opinion is wrong, because that is certainly not the case...It may be an accurate statement regarding my opinion, however, the content of the opinion is wrong...

There are bands that play the genre of music known as "hardcore" made up of members who love Christ, and with lyrics that glorify Christ...How is that not Christian music?

You seem to think that the music necessitates a point of view (that's the only way your statements make sense to me, if I'm missing something, please tell me)...Don't confuse the culture with the music and don't limit the situations in which God can be glorified...

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Dude, I rated a couple Christian bands high on my launch station... Taking Back Sunday and another one and now it doesn't stop recommending the {censored}. Just because I like a couple bands doesn't mean I like the entire genre! Seriously.

Really though, good music is good music regardless of genre or whatever. Most of the Christian rock/metal/guitar bands I've heard have crappy vocalists though.

I do dig Taking Back Sunday. Not really "hardcore" but a good band, nonetheless. :)

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Originally posted by AntiStuff

Since when has TBS been a Christian band? I seriously don't think they're one.



It just says that in the genre listing on my launch.com station whenever they come on. I really don't know... I just dig the music.

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Originally posted by zachoff

It just says that in the genre listing on my launch.com station whenever they come on. I really don't know... I just dig the music.



Ok, makes sence, They're one of the few EMO bands I think are actually decent.


This thread sure did kinda get OT. Haha

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Originally posted by King Kashue

You seem to think that the music necessitates a point of view (that's the only way your statements make sense to me, if I'm missing something, please tell me)...Don't confuse the culture with the music and don't limit the situations in which God can be glorified...

Hardcore music does tend to express particular views. Views and emotions posessed within those songs are reinforced by the music. If you were to come up with hardcore music first, I am sure you could argue that the music came from some "primal place", hardly a Christian view.

What I don't understand is how hardcore you can get with your God-oriented words, without being angry as suits the music, or at least strident with your music? Aren't anger and similar bemused emotions something to be discouraged by Christianity.

If I too are limiting the ways in which God can be praised, then I am curious to be enlightened. How much love can you give your God before that exceeds Softcore? :confused: seriously...

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here's an example of an angry sounding, with angry lyrics hardcore christian band: sinai beach - the god i would be

Never before tonight did I think I could kill a man
And sink a knife deep into skin,
But I could kill you.
Surely I could wreck you,
Because you wrecked them.
You rapists, you abusers,
You thieves, you murderers.
I've taken my look around
And all I've seen leads me to believe
That if I was God,
Heaven would be nearly empty
And Hell would be overflowing.

So thank God that I'm not God,
And praise Him for being nothing like me.
I would have forsaken man.
So praise Him for being nothing like me,
'Cause I would have let this world burn.

If I was God, I would do unto you things unthinkable,
Far beyond cruel and unusual.

So thank God that I'm not God,
And praise Him for being nothing like me.
I would have forsaken man.
So praise Him for being nothing like me.

For those who ask,
He gives His grace kindly.
His forgiveness is beyond me.
I would have let this world burn.
And even to the most perverted man,
And even to the most wretched man,
His glory and mercy is given.

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Originally posted by Benjamin

Hardcore music does tend to express particular views. Views and emotions posessed within those songs are reinforced by the music. If you were to come up with hardcore music first, I am sure you could argue that the music came from some "primal place", hardly a Christian view.

What I don't understand is how hardcore you can get with your God-oriented words, without being angry as suits the music, or at least strident with your music? Aren't anger and similar bemused emotions something to be discouraged by Christianity.

If I too are limiting the ways in which God can be praised, then I am curious to be enlightened. How much love can you give your God before that exceeds Softcore?

Tend to, but not always, be associated with certain views...The musical style is not the same as the culture...

As for anger, it's a emotion, and not inherently negative...God got angry, Jesus got angry...Now, I'll grant that people usually go to "negative places" with their anger, but that doesn't have to be so...

A great example of this is one of my favorite bands, Poor Old Lu. Very few people got into them, and I know a lot of folks who said their lyrics were too "dark" to be "really" Christian. They dealt with the fact that sometimes life sucks, and sometimes it doesn't feel like God is nearby, or that God is working. Having those thoughts is not a bad thing, wallowing in those thoughts is...

Anyhoo, Hardcore as a style of music is as neutral as any other style of music, the culture is a different matter...

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Originally posted by King Kashue

Anyhoo, Hardcore as a style of music is as neutral as any other style of music, the culture is a different matter...



Can't agree more, KK. I can really only find difference in interpretation in my experience, and that's either local bands or global as they come.

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Wow.... lot of controversy in this thread huh? But several good points were made..... rather than addressing any specific issues (as they already have been addressed I'm sure) I'm just going to say 2 things:

1. Don't generalize what you dont have experience with. If you dont know any Christian "Hardcore" musicians personally, then don't stereotype all of them. If you do know a lot of them, and none of THEM are living as christians or they are just like "regular" secular musicians, then I'm sorry to hear that, but it's definitely not true of all.

2. The following is a recent blog posted by a member of a local christian hxc band called "the unfolding" (you can check them out on myspace)

An Honest Letter To You All:

have you ever really thought about it? i mean, really thought about it? we were put here for a reason. it's really undeniable. whether you're a christian, athiest, or even down with that tom cruise-ology is irrelevant. things worked out to make each of us who we are for a purpose.

i'm not writing this to shove anything down anyone's throat, as such things are far from my intention. but it's 4am in the morning and i've been weeping for the last half hour. it started out as a prayer... (admittedly, something i rarely partake in these days.) simply asking my God for clarity. for peace.

but i've gotten so rapped up in the mundane as of late. the world. fruitless ventures with fruitless thrills. i'm so far from perfect and so far from the man i know god wants me to be. my past is full of regrets. everything from drugs and promiscuity, to simple ostentatious, pompus actions i partake in daily.

i'm a fraud.

i guess i'm writing this because i'm overwhelmed and i want to be honest with all of you. i want you to know that yeah, we're a christian band... but i'm really messed up. (for lack of a more scintillating contextual phrase at 4am)

but i will tell you this:

my God, he gives me peace. and He is my reason. He is the reason i'm here and He is the reason that i was created. i'm not here to be perfect because Lord knows, it's easy to eff up. (and eff up, i will.) but i'm forgiven.

all the "wwjd" cliches are played... but i will tell you i have found that the embrace of our maker is the most fulfilling you'll ever have. more so than getting drunk or laid. more so than scene points and sweet mosh.

This is real. i pray tonight that you all know that there is a reason you are here. whatever the faith... my wish is that your beliefs offer hope.

God bless you.


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