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Improving upper vocal range

LR Weizel

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Sorry, but either some sort of formalized training program (CD/Book/DVD), or even better, a real live voice teacher, is the best way to improve your range.


Sure, there are specific areas to work on, such as making sure your larynx is relaxed, working on head voice, breathing exercises, etc, but without knowing where you are RIGHT NOW with your voice, that sort of advice is just random guessing.

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I always assumed you could generally sort of gradually stretch your range by simply practicing singing songs that go a bit too high for what your current range is. And the more you do it, the easier it becomes.


Of course, there's no point doing this if the way you're singing/stretching is hurting you or detrimental to your voice, and this is where some sort of at least semi-formal training comes in.


From the time I was about 12, I have been stretching my range, although I pretty much stopped doing this as a conscious thing after about 20, as the songs I was naturally interested in didn't really require a stretch anymore. But because I never had any training, I don't really know if I did it "right" and if I now sing "correctly" up on these notes I didn't have originally, you know? Again, training will help you.

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Well, I simply sang songs that required me to use the uppermost part of my range at the time, and so in time it became much easier and it allowed me to sing songs that once upon a time I thought were completely out of my reach.


Your voice really is like a muscle - If you "push" it without really hurting yourself, it will adapt and progress. When I say push, I mean it in a weightlifting/exercising sense. If you can only do 10 push ups, keep doing those 10 each day and eventually your body will adapt, and it won't exhaust you anymore. That's pretty much what I did, so as long as nothing is forced where it starts to strain you, and your voice gets hoarse, by all means, explore your voice. :p

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