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A new toy


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So, I started off as a bassist. My guitar abilities are absolutely abyssmal. For the sake of writing music, i figured i should learn guitar and help myself out a bit. Well, i finally got one. My biggest problem with guitars is that my hands are so used to the wide stirng spacing and the bigger necks. My hands get horribly cramped on many guitar necks and I have a horrible time fumbling around on the fret board fretting chords. I went into GC fairly certain I wanted an epi les paul. I tried out the les pauls side by side with pretty much everything else in that price range. Everything just felt like a {censored}ty guitar until... i grabbed an epi G-400 SG. Immediately I knew it was mine. I guess guitarists consider an SG to have a baseball bat of a neck but to me it felt like home. Got it for 390 out the door. Couldnt be happier.


Theres my gear story for the week. Back to learning myself some guitar.

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I started guitar for the same reasons. I also found the neck feeling very cramped, but over time as I learned how to play it more like a guitar and less like a bass it started becoming much more natural. Now I can bounce from one to the other without any problems. Guitar is way fun, rawk that SG!:cool:

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