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Does type of cabinets even matter?


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Originally posted by hasbeen

Grind with bottom and bite?...I'd recommend Ampeg or Genz Benz XB series....would have to be XB....the NeoX series are too clear. I should throw old Trace Elliot in there too.

Please be aware that I have an affiliation to Genz Benz......I'm not trying to spam/dupe you behind your back.





I have an Ampeg and Genz Benz


The Ampeg is a 115, it's got bottom and it can bite. But the way I EQ my amp I could make a 21 bite


The Genz Benz is smoother and has a mid bump, it's a 410. It's a LS though not a XB. It's doesn't have a ton of bottom but that may be because it's ported in the back and it's not too far from the wall.

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Originally posted by walkerci

So can anyone recommend a good mic to mic bass cabs with?

Something that sounds good down to say 20Hz?



For that low I've been directed towards a good, quality, condenser mic. They're usually the only things that go down that low and are full-range.


I'm also checking out a Sennheiser 421. They're apparently the shiz-nite.

Cost it too.

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Originally posted by RockStarBassist

For that low I've been directed towards a good, quality, condenser mic. They're usually the only things that go down that low and are full-range.

I'm also checking out a Sennheiser 421. They're apparently the shiz-nite.

Cost it too.



condensors are great for recording, not so much great for live use...

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Originally posted by greenshag

condensors are great for recording, not so much great for live use...




I guess it depends on the environment. I've seen them used in quieter, bigger venues and they sounded damn good to my ears. Course, who knows how much it cost!


I'd go towards the Senn 421. They don't cut the midrange like some kick mics.

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Originally posted by RockStarBassist

I really hope I can make a deal on this 18" sub. That with a Tri112L on top, dayum.

Should be purty!

You sure it's an 18" and not a 21" sub?


BTW, if you're thinkin about an AccuStack you might want to consider the Tri210 instead of the Tri112 - it's louder, can handle more power and has the same response pretty much.

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Originally posted by knuckle_head

You sure it's an 18" and not a 21" sub?

BTW, if you're thinkin about an AccuStack you might want to consider the Tri210 instead of the Tri112 - it's louder, can handle more power and has the same response pretty much.



Yep, it's the 18" Gordo model, now discontinued. They make the 21" now, but this isn't that one.


I'm still up in the air about that, actually.

However, I want to make sure I get one with the Accu-switch on it when I need to use it as a stand-alone, and I can push my Mesa fully into it and not have any power reduction, so I'm still up in the air about that one.

I just like the sound of 12's though as opposed to 10's. Mark at AG has 2 Tri210 demos for a reasonable price, but they're stuck at 4 ohms each.

And the sub is 8, so I couldn't go that route.


But thanks for the suggestion. Still in the air, but have heard those thrown around as well.

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Originally posted by RockStarBassist

That's right. Forget his UN's are different on each forum. He was talking about that.



I was speddling everywhere (boards and AIM, YIM, MSN, etc) till I became a mod at TB, then I had my nic changed to my real name. I'm "James Hart" on most newer forums. I've thought about asking to change here too... but never bothered.

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Originally posted by RockStarBassist

Yep, it's the 18" Gordo model, now discontinued. They make the 21" now, but this isn't that one.

I'm still up in the air about that, actually.

However, I want to make sure I get one with the Accu-switch on it when I need to use it as a stand-alone, and I can push my Mesa fully into it and not have any power reduction, so I'm still up in the air about that one.

I just like the sound of 12's though as opposed to 10's. Mark at AG has 2 Tri210 demos for a reasonable price, but they're stuck at 4 ohms each.

And the sub is 8, so I couldn't go that route.

But thanks for the suggestion. Still in the air, but have heard those thrown around as well.



dude, the Accu-switch isn't really real

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Originally posted by RockStarBassist

Depends on who you listen to.

BP Magazine or the dozens of people who use it at TB and Mark who builds them.


and engineers says it's not ;)


and IIRC Marc took it off the site...

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Originally posted by oldivor

and engineers says it's not

and IIRC Marc took it off the site...


my El Whappo is the newest revision... Neo drivers and lighter weight plywood... no switch.


77lbs and hits you like a freight train :eek::thu::evil:

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Originally posted by speddling

my El Whappo is the newest revision... Neo drivers and lighter weight plywood... no switch.

77lbs and hits you like a freight train


That ain't that good I guess, just think two for lows and some home brew 12 for highs :love:

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Someone was telling me (who also is trying to sell me their Epi 115 cab, go figure) this:

"for me, a bass cab needs some of it's own personality, because I like to feel the bass, not just hear it. The AC's sounded good, but they had no personality, I couldn't feel the bass. At AC's shop, they had me play through a Thunderfunk 550..."

So, I'm not sure exactly what he's talking about but he's not THAT great at english in the first place, but I mean I do believe there's enough "bass" coming through a Whappo, etc.. to "feel" the bass.

If you want punch, play friggin' 10's or something.

His comment just didn't make tons of sense.



Also, I spent enough effin' money for my BASS to have "personality". It doesn't get much more "personable" than a friggin' Modulus, yo. ;)


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