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I'm absolutely FRIED - what do y'all do?


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+1 on the exercise, I know I could do with more. Because I live right on the outskirts of suburbia, I sometimes drive around the rural roads and farmland for a bit, sometimes quite aimlessly, just to see where the road takes me. Other times I get the guitarist round, put the music on, sit outside, have a couple of beers and just chill.

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I find sometimes exercise such as my rugby training adds to the stress. But exersice is good as long as you don't have someone shouting in your ear about how {censored}e you are! :D


I play bass to relax too but sometimes im just not in the mood.


I've been living to the word of "Take it easy" by the Eagles. That song is a lifesaver when you work 12 hour shifts in a kitchen!


Remeber! Just don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy!

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Originally posted by basschick22


Consider this......stressed spelled backwards is DESSERTS!!!


...just tryin' to help!


That is helpfull! And it reminds me I got a free slice of chocalate cake at my work today because the chefs {censored}ed up an order. :love:

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Originally posted by burdizzos

Seriously, I go out an perform some random act of kindness or three.

You'd be amazed what that does for you.

Simple {censored} like helping an old person with their groceries or helping a neighbor beat his kid.






Works like a charm! Just the other day, I let a woman go to the unisex restroom ahead of me at a bar, and ended up getting laid.

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You could look for a really hot girlfriend for me. Okay, so it helps me more than you, but you have an excuse to check out young, hot 20-somethings!


Seriously, I like to walk when I get stressed out. It gets me outside, gets me active and lets me think things out, or other times, get lost in daydreaming or reminiscing.


Hope everything is going well for you!



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Originally posted by i_wanna_les_paul

You could look for a really hot girlfriend for me. Okay, so it helps me more than you, but you have an excuse to check out young, hot 20-somethings!



Do I really need an excuse?


seriously, I'm taking a mental health day tomorrow and shooting for some jet skiing if I get my ski alive again.

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