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Gallien Krueger Diesel Dawg?


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I have it, and I like it for what I play, but it's a very cutting overdrive. I haven't really played with low gain sounds very much on it, but I didn't like the way it sounded with just a little crunch.


If you want to hear it, you can check out our songs on our myspace page, I use it in various spots on all of them, and the whole time in "No Baggage". However, the clearest example of it is on our manager's myspace page.. here . The solo at ~2:13 should give you a good idea of what the pedal sounds like, but be aware that I doubled the track at a higher octave while recording it.


I like the pedal a lot, but it's definitely not for everyone. If you do get it, I'd recommend using an A/C adaptor rather than batteries.

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