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Thank goodness for fossil fuels and gaseous industrial byproducts


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Originally posted by Benjamin

Thank you for that informative link. Now why do you think the oceans are warmer?




Because of people peeing in them, duh! Haven't you ever been to the pool...




Seriously though, I'll say again, differences over a decade or two are utterly irrelevant when you're dealing with an eco-system tens of thousands of years old on a planet hundreds of millions of years old (taking the ecological rather than geological age)...


We're coming out of a little ice age, which was preceeded by the Medieval Warm period, which was itself preceeded by a cold period, see a pattern forming? Well that pattern goes back 25,000 years...



Are humans messing up the global environment? Absolutely. Is it to the degree people are saying? Most likely not. Are humans the primary cause, again, most likely not given the earth's documented history of cyclical warming and cooling...



Right now, the estimates are that the hole will be gone by 2050-75, but it's most important to note that Ozone Depletion has nothing to do with Global Warming in either causes or response...They're separate issues that several people in this thread are treating as identical...


The science of Ozone depletion is solid as a rock and almost every scientist in the world is in consensus on causes and solutions. The Montreal Protocol was signed with wide support, as were the London addenda...Global warming, no where close...



Blame Greenhouse gases or rainforest depletion for the weather changes you think are going on...it's not because of the lack of ozone...

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I don't believe I stated anywhere in my post that I believed Ozone Depletion was the cause for any of this. If anything I probably refuted the claim :D

Also you seem to miss the point that I am noticing one of those patterns of warm/cold/warm activity in my locality. Doesn't mean it isn't there, and by the sounds of it I am seeing exactly what you're saying. I believe it is entirely possible for me to be noticing such a change, you telling me otherwise is not sufficient enough. Until now I haven't really felt the need to find answers.

The question of whether it is us forcing these patterns or just a natural phenomenon occurring is almost irrelevant to the point I am making. I do question how much of it is our doing. If it proves to be a natural phenomenon then that's life. I still know what my bones tell me :p

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Originally posted by Benjamin

I don't believe I stated anywhere in my post that I believed Ozone Depletion was the cause for any of this. If anything I probably refuted the claim

Rasta did however. Looking at your post, I can sort of see how you're saying it's likely something different, but it wasn't entirely clear, so sorry if misunderstood you...

Also you seem to miss the point that I am noticing one of those patterns of warm/cold/warm activity in my locality. Doesn't mean it isn't there, and by the sounds of it I am seeing exactly what you're saying. I believe it is entirely possible for me to be noticing such a change, you telling me otherwise is not sufficient enough.

Unless you're 1300 years old, no, you're not observing a global warming-cooling-warming cycle...At least not firsthand :D

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