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Glue to fix acoustic bass


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Okay, so I'm an idiot.


Now that we've gotten that out of the way...I knocked over my Tacoma Thundercheif ABG and a small part of the top separated from the side near where the low-E end of the neck joins the body. I think I'll try to swing by Home Depot tomorrow and get some glue to fix it. Is there any particular brand that's best for that sort of application, or will any wood glue suffice?



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Originally posted by thebeatcatcher

...or titebond II. it's what ken smith uses.

just stay away from polyurethane glue like gorilla glue b/c it expands and gets messy and is more brittle in the long run.



dont use titebond 2 for acoustics bc it doesnt set as hard so it can muffle the sound

superglue would work okay too if you clamp it well

polyglues are terrible and epoxies are a bit messy but great if its hard to clamp

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Originally posted by thebeatcatcher

that was the debate on talkbass until ken smith replied to the thread.



Ken Smith doesn't make acoustics.


Anyway, if you go to the MIMF forums, they pretty much unanimously agree that titebond 1/hide/epoxy are all better than titebond 2

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