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Help with amp choices please


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I played a Nemesis n112p 112 cab for years with great success.


my recommendation is to avoid Ampig. For my dollars, I'd take a nemesis over it, but there's a ton of better gear out there.





Given your sitch, I'd reccommend the Avatar 212 on the cheap side, or a Bergantino HT322 on the high side. both are maneuverable cabs that push full range. Add the Burdizzos mod on the Avatar and youre set! then get a good preamp...like an Alembic or even the BBE Max-t preamp and you got portable, loud and toneful.


as always YMMV

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Originally posted by georgestrings

Your loss - just out of curiousity, have you ever actually PLAYED through any Peavey bass gear, and if so - what was it???

FYI - the guitarist in one of my bands has an Ampeg Classic cab that has 4 10s and an 18 in it, pushed by an Ampeg solid state amp(B2RE, I think) - and my all Peavey rig kicks the crap outta it - even by his own admission - and cost me WAY less than half what he paid for his Ampeg rig...

- georgestrings



Yes I've played through a bunch of Peavey pieces, either in band settings or at stores. A Megabass head into a peavey 410 & 115 for a 3 hour session was the WORST tone I've ever heard in my life. Well, make that lack of tone. None of the Cirri I've played have done anything for me, that goes for Foundations and Milleniums. Firebass head was blah, as was the TNT combo I used for a night. I did play some sort of Trace head into a Peavey TVX410 and it was decent. However yes I've tried a {censored}load of it and it just ain't my cup of tea.

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Originally posted by georgestrings

Not really - would you point it out to me???

- georgestrings


The cab is underpowered, quite a bit. I'm guessing that it's rated at 4 ohms, and the B2RE will only put out 450 watts (250 if it's rated at 8 ohms). The cab is rated for 600 watts, if my research is correct.


There's always debate about matching cab ratings to amp ratings, but IMO, if you're trying to push an 18, you need more headroom than the B2RE can provide...even more so with four 10's on top of it. I tried to run an SVT410HLF with a B2RE and found it to be crap. But with 1000 watts of B4R pushing it...let's just say that things were much much better.


If you have a spare power amp sitting around, try running the preamp out of the B2RE into it and powering the cab with that. Let me know what you think then.:thu:

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Wow, thanks for this great info to mull over.


The BBE bass max preamp looks like a quality tool for tone shaping. This would work whether I use a 2x10 or 2x12 cab with a 500 watt power amp or whether I set up my whole PA.


The idea of the preamp is looking good too, because I might get another power amp that would work for my bass rig, but also as another stereo amp for two additional monitor mixes in the PA.

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Originally posted by BigPigPeaches

There's always debate about matching cab ratings to amp ratings, but IMO, if you're trying to push an 18, you need more headroom than the B2RE can provide...




For sure. Knowing from experience, you need POWER to properly drive an 18 and make it sound good.

People try at times to talk {censored} about them, but most times they don't really have clue how to properly power and EQ them, so of course it ends up sucking.


I ran 700W into my Gordo and it was ultra punchy. However I hated it when I had my Mesa and was only giving it about 300W.

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Originally posted by BigPigPeaches

The cab is underpowered, quite a bit. I'm guessing that it's rated at 4 ohms, and the B2RE will only put out 450 watts (250 if it's rated at 8 ohms). The cab is rated for 600 watts, if my research is correct.

There's always debate about matching cab ratings to amp ratings, but IMO, if you're trying to push an 18, you need more headroom than the B2RE can provide...even more so with four 10's on top of it. I tried to run an SVT410HLF with a B2RE and found it to be crap. But with 1000 watts of B4R pushing it...let's just say that things were much much better.

If you have a spare power amp sitting around, try running the preamp out of the B2RE into it and powering the cab with that. Let me know what you think then.



OK, thanks for clarifying it for me... Only problem is, that cab was set up so that it could be bi-amped as well - so, when I used my Mark VIII with it, I hooked it up into the bi-amp jacks - which was effectively the same as two 4 ohm cabs in parallel - and my Mark VIII is 600 watts @ 2 ohms... Now, I use two Peavey 4 ohm cabs with it normally - a 410 TXF and a 115 Black Widow driver loaded into a Paradise Soundworks cab - and those cabs perform FAR better than that Ampeg Classic 410/118 does - the Ampeg is not even in the same league, it's such a rediculous difference... Furthermore - my Mark VIII is a FAR better head than that B2RE - and only cost me $235 used, with a 2 year warranty included...



So, in summary: my Peavey cabs kicked the crap outta that Ampeg Cab, even though it was (4) 10s and (1) 15 vs (4) 10s and (1) 18 .... AND, my Mark VIII kicks the crap outta that B2RE head to head as well...


All told, that guitarist spent over $1500 for that Ampeg rig, and I have less than $700 into my Peavey rig - make all the excuses you want, but that's the way it is...




- georgestrings

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Originally posted by RockStarBassist

For sure. Knowing from experience, you need POWER to properly drive an 18 and make it sound good.

People try at times to talk {censored} about them, but most times they don't really have clue how to properly power and EQ them, so of course it ends up sucking.

I ran 700W into my Gordo and it was ultra punchy. However I hated it when I had my Mesa and was only giving it about 300W.




Funny thing is, my Combo 300 is only 210 watts @ 4 ohms, and it sounded pretty good run into my recently aquired 1810(also 4 ohms), with the internal speaker of the combo disconnected...


I'm just sayin'...




- georgestrings

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