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Amazing band, amazing live show.



Originally posted by zachoff

Second worst band I've ever paid to see. The first being Converge.



I actually had a blast at Converge, but I spent a good part of the show poking fun at the extremely "serious" tone of the whole thing.

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Originally posted by zachoff

Second worst band I've ever paid to see. The first being Converge.



I totally disagree.

I have yet been blessed with the oportunity to see Converge. Blood Brothers are in my top three live acts I've seen. Bad Religion and Nickel Creek being the other two.

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Originally posted by llllllllllllllllllllllll

I saw Fugazi a few years ago in Houston. The only band I've seen that compares to, and surpasses their live show is Shellac.



I am still pissed I missed Shellac. They and Neurosis are the only bands I would get extremely excited about seeing these days.

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Best live show ever--

Les Savy Fav.

You can't beat a balding, bearded fat man running around in his underwear with a mardi gras mask and socks on his hands.


Unfortunately, I've never seen Fugazi live, so I can't compare. I have seen videos of Guy climbing up into a basketball hoop, though, so I can imagine it's quite fantastic.

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Originally posted by version

The Argument is probably my all-time favorite record.

This isn't directed at anyone in particular, but if all you've heard is the early stuff (Waiting Room, Repeater, Turnover, et. al.) you should really check out their last 3 albums- Red Medicine, End Hits and The Argument. I find them to be far more interesting musically and they still keep up the intensity of the earlier material.



I consider the early stuff the inspired stuff. The later albums seem too polished for me.

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Originally posted by PrestiaRules

just watched it again last night....great



I've watched that movie so much that I've pretty much memorized the dialogue...you got your {censored}in' {censored}, but you eat ice cream and everybody knows it. The whole {censored}in' place knows it. Ice cream eating mother {censored}er, that's what you are!

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Originally posted by version

I've watched that movie so much that I've pretty much memorized the dialogue...you got your {censored}in' {censored}, but you eat ice cream and everybody knows it. The whole {censored}in' place knows it. Ice cream eating mother {censored}er, that's what you are!



Yes! Love it!



the George Burns of Trance

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