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I feel kinda stupid, but I'm having trouble setting up an avatar

Mind Riot

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So this site only allows 150 by 150 pixels, or something like 9.8 kb for an avatar, whichever is smaller. I have this pic on my home PC I want to upload for my avatar, and I resized it to 150 by 150, with the lowest quality and resolution I could use, and it was still something like 16 kb. I made it smaller and smaller, and even at 80x80 at the lowest quality save, it was still something like 11 kb and you can hardly even tell what it is anymore.


I feel like an idiot to have to ask, but is there some trick to this I don't know about?

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Photobucket (which is a free online photo hosting service) has a function that will allow you to resize images to avatar size. That's what I did for the Kool-Aid guy.


I tried that too. It sized it fine pixel wise, but it was still too many kbs. :(

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You need to compress the jpg more, or switch it to a gif (which will change it from 24 bit to 8 bit paletted)...

Just link it here, I can do it for you in photopaint...


I wanted to thank you for your help. I didn't end up saving it as a .GIF but exploring those options led me to finding the compression settings for web images. I'm not too experienced working with photoshop, so I don't know my way around too well.


Thanks again!


(In case anybody wondered, this was a cat of mine named Lily that was the sweetest cat I've ever known. I had her for about a year and a half before she became very sick and after spending over five hundred dollars that I really couldn't afford to try to treat her she didn't get better and I had to have her put down. I bawled like a little girl for days. She was the cutest cat I've ever seen, just look at those unnaturally huge cartoon eyes. I took this pic in low light so I could get her big pupils. I was bribing her to pose with bits of ham. :) )

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