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Is this a scam?


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I wanted to search on ebay how Marcus Miller bass goes for nowadays and I found this auction like 2 minutes after the seller listed.

But $250 BIN? I just don't believe in anything that sounds too good to be true.

The seller has 12 feedbacks all postive, but he only sold a cheap item once, and the rest of the stuffs he bought probably just go over $100 total.

Anyway some bidder did BIN just now, so the deal is gone.

I just thought the deal looked fishy and didn't go with it, if it was legit, I'd be... :cry:

What do you guys think?

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Could be - if you use paypal and link that to your credit card, you're pretty well protected should the deal go south.

I'm not sure it was a scam - maybe it was a 'hot' deal - if you know what I mean and I think you do.



funny you should say that is says in big red letters Steal of a Deal on top of the ad:D

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