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Sales Call


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Some joker calls me up and wants to sell me toner. Now this certainly isn't the first... but this was different. The concept is, you buy toner through them, and you get "points" which are good toward Visa purchases (or some {censored} like that).


The guy explains this to me, and I say, "What kind of toner is it?"


"I don't know... we get it straight from the manufacturer."


"So it's not very good?"


"Oh! It's great! I promise you'll love this toner!"


"But you don't know what brand of toner it is?"


"We're on the wholesale level."


"You're a wholesaler, and you don't know what the name of your product is?"


"We've been distributing this toner for a long time, and customers have had excellent results."


"OK, this is what I don't get. If the toner is so good, why do you have to give stuff away to sell it... and why don't you even know the brand name?"


"We offer it to you on a 30-day open invoice..."


"Not interested."


"OK, how about I give you 45 days?"


"You don't understand. I see these types of commercials on late at night. And my ex-wife ran up my credit cards on these 'pay no money now' plans. All I have to show for it, is a bunch of pieces of {censored} sitting in my basement 3 years after I divorced her, and half the credit card debt she incurred to obtain them. If you expect me to go to my boss and try to explain to him that his printer is printing like {censored} because I fell for a phone-sales gimmick from someone that didn't even know the brand name of the toner he was selling, you're badly mistaken."


"Uh... ummm... well... uh... thank you for your time sir."





Freakin toolheads.

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"You don't understand. I see these types of commercials on late at night. And my ex-wife ran up my credit cards on these 'pay no money now' plans. All I have to show for it, is a bunch of pieces of {censored} sitting in my basement 3 years after I divorced her, and half the credit card debt she incurred to obtain them. If you expect me to go to my boss and try to explain to him that his printer is printing like {censored} because I fell for a phone-sales gimmick from someone that didn't even know the brand name of the toner he was selling, you're badly mistaken."

Now THAT is {censored}ing hilarious. :D

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What's sad is that I'd taken a job like that ages ago cold-calling places out of state to sell toner. We were supposed to get them interested then hand them over to the sales people. They advertised the position a bit differently. What a surprise :rolleyes: What a {censored}ing joke that was. I tried it for a day or two and never bothered going back.


It's bad enough that I had Sun call me the other day and ask about what upcoming projects we've got and all that. I know some people in Sun and this person wasn't anyone I've dealt with within Sun. I told her I couldn't speak on what we had going on and wasn't going to give her anyone that she could contact. If we want to engage Sun on anything, we'll work it through our reseller like we normally would.

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I'm staying away from credit cards as long as I can. (Hopefully forever)

Don't spend money you don't have!


I have to use them for some things. Things like fixing my car cost more than what I can charge per day on my debit card, IIRC. I normally just treat my credit cards like the old Amex where you have to pay it at the end of the month in full. This way, I can get all their promotions to sucker in the idiots like cash back and whatnot. Phht, if you're going to give me a few bucks a year and me not give you anything in interest or annual fees, that's fine with me :thu:

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I like getting those calls at work.

I just ask for their number to call 'em back. I usually just get a "this is a call center. We can't take calls; only call out."

Me, "aren't you doing sales? How do you do sales if I can't get a hold of you when I need to?"

This only goes on for a short time before they depressingly let me go.


Poor folk. :(

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I have to use them for some things. Things like fixing my car cost more than what I can charge per day on my debit card, IIRC. I normally just treat my credit cards like the old Amex where you have to pay it at the end of the month in full. This way, I can get all their promotions to sucker in the idiots like cash back and whatnot. Phht, if you're going to give me a few bucks a year and me not give you anything in interest or annual fees, that's fine with me


Still got to be carefull though. But yeap, if played correctly you can sucker the card companys good.


My debit card only allows me to take out

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that's close to a toner-phoner. They arent selling anythingl they're getting your CC number, and then going to start a billing plan to send you toner you didnt order at 200-1000% the cost of it.


I was working at Xerox and got those calls. My fav is when they ask for the model or the meter count of the box, but claim they're our provider. I led a guy for about 8 minutes and said that we have a contract with Xerox (while in a Xerox bldg), heard him say he was with xerox and asked 'Lewisville? he said yes so i asked for his cube number so I could walk over there...CLICK.

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