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ART Nightbass?


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I've been looking into getting a rackmount effects processor, and I've seen some good deals on these units-plus, having the option of full control from the optional floorboard is pretty cool, IMO.


Anyone have any experience with this unit, or is there something better out there?:confused:

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It's not a bad unit, really. There are tons of parameters to play with.

Some people complain about it being noisy, but it's like any effect. Set the parameters to extremes and it gets noisy.

Most of the presets are set up pretty extreme. If you take some time to learn how to use it you can get some real nice stuff out of it.


There are better (the Roland/Boss multis for example) out there that sound more, um, natural...


The X-15 foot controller is a blast.



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Also remember, like any other preamp -

If you run it into another preamp it gets noisy and weird and hard to control.

It works fine into a power amp or PA.

It you run it as a multi effect into a head or another pre, turn of the preamp settings in the SGX.



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Also remember, like any other preamp -

If you run it into another preamp it gets noisy and weird and hard to control.

It works fine into a power amp or PA.

It you run it as a multi effect into a head or another pre, turn of the preamp settings in the SGX.




Would placing it in the effects loop on my head be an effective solution?

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Man, this dude needs to quit beating around the bush and tell us how he really feels!!!:D






Product: ART SGX Nightbass SE

Price Paid: US $350.00

Submitted 07/05/2002 at 01:22pm by Adam Place

Email: placea at greenmtnedu


Ease of Use : 8

How easy is it to get a good sound out of it?

How about Editing patches?

How is the manual for it (if there is one)?

Do you know the firmware revision number? Has your unit been upgraded?

OK let me start by saying that This processor is probably one of the best bass only rack processors available...BUT that just goes to show you how small of a field there is for bass multi effects processors....It is fairly easy to edit patches so I will give it a n 8 here


Sound Quality : 1

Can you get the sound of your favorite artists? Who are they?

Are certain effects (distortion, chorus, ...) very good? Very bad?

What setup (i.e. what guitars and amps) are you using this with?

Is it noisy? On what settings?

Are the effects weak or do they always sound great?

What amp are you using it with?

I use a modulus genesis 5 bass through an eden wt400 and eden 410 cab....before I added this PIECE to my setup my tone was and now once again is impeccable....The nightbass DESTROYED my tone..I dont know how else to say it...The processor simply tries to hard...If you play thrash metal or punk or something that necessitates dirty dirty tone than this is your baby right here...however if you slap atall or play any fusiony kind of stuff like me...dont waste your time..I know Vic. used one but I really cant believe that...and if you havent noticed he dosent use it anymore...because it sucks wild monkey testicles..simply put....You CAN get good distortion from the tube in there...and you CAN make a pretty sweet patch...and you CAN do a whole lotta {censored} with the X-15 foot controller like pitch shift and all that,... ,BUT if you really want effects and you care deeply about your tone PLEASE just buy some nice individual effects..It will sound so much better..and you know what really makes this thing suck? YOU CANT CHANGE PATCHES LIVE WITHOUT LOSING YOUR SIGNAL FOR UP TO 3 SECONDS!!!! Completely friggin useless IN MY OPINION...A lot of guys with a lot of experience have given this thing great reviews..but I beg to differ..IF you waste your money on one like I did you will soon see what I mean...and you will feel bad, like I did, selling it to some other chump...So if you play chessy ass bass solos all day long than this is for you BUT if you care about solid bass tone and/or groove and/or funk.....DONT BUY THIS!


Reliability : 10

Can you depend on it?

Would you use it on a gig without a backup?

who cares it sucks....but I never had a problem in the month that i owned this incredible piece of monkey {censored}


Customer Support : 1

If you've dealt with the company, how helpful/friendly were they?

Ever get an upgrade, or try and get it repaired?



Overall Rating : 1

What style of music do you play? Is this a good match?

How long have you been playing? What other gear do you own?

If it were stolen or lost, would you buy it again or get something else?

what do you love about it? What do you hate? What is your favorite feature?

Did you compare it to other products? Which ones? Why did you choose this one?

Anything you wish it had?

Does it help you make music, or does it get in the way?

Anything else you'd like to share?

I hated this for my fusion jazzy funk slap Victor style...You may like it...you also may listen to seals and croft and/or Bon Jovi....So obviously its up to you my friends...just use your ear..Im much happier sticking to my line 6 delay modeler and EH micro synth and Q_Tron..I guess its all taste...like i said if you like Poison and/or Creed this is for you my friend

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